Hogwarts Legacy: How to Learn Avada Kedavra (& How to Use)

Avada Kedavra is the strongest of the Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy and it can be unlocked by completing a side quest during the end-game.

Specifically, players will need to progress the main storyline to the “Prepare for your O.W.L.S” quest, and progress Sebastian’s sidequests until they reach the “In the Shadow of the Relic” quest.

In this guide, I will explain how to learn and use Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy, to help you unlock this spell without missing it.

If you’re worried about missing stuff in the game, consider checking out our guide on all the quests you can miss while progressing.

How to Learn Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy

How to unlock and use Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy.

Players will need to fulfill three requirements before being able to learn Avada Kedavra. Here are all of them:

  1. Progress the main story until the “Prepare for your O.W.L.S” quest.
  2. Progress Sebastian Sallow’s sidequests. This includes more than ten different sidequests, all with similar names “In the Shadow of…”. The first quest in this questline is “In the Shadow of the Undercroft”.
  3. Reach player level 28. If you’re missing levels, take a look at our guide on how to level up quickly in the game.

With these fulfilled, players should be ready to start the “In the Shadow of the Relic” quest, which will give them the chance to unlock Avada Kedavra.

In the Shadow of the Relic Quest Guide

How to unlock and use Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy.
One-shotting an enemy with Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy.

For this quest, players will need to explore another catacomb with Sebastian and Ominis. This tomb is full of Inferi, so make sure to equip your strongest fire spells.

Additionally, the puzzles here are similar to one of the previous quests, “In the Shadow of Time”. Players will need to lift skeleton bones and place them at the right spot to open the path forward.

Follow the storyline until Sebastian ends up running out of the catacomb. There, players will have to choose the correct dialogue option if they want to learn Avada Kedavra.

Specifically, players need to select “Everyone should know that curse” when Sebastian mentions that the killing curse had to be used.

For players who chose the other dialogue option but changed their mind, there will be a second chance for learning Avada Kedavra during the “In the Shadow of Fate” quest.

How to Use Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy

How to unlock and use Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy.

While extremely powerful as it can one-shot any enemy, Avada Kedavra has a large cooldown (90 seconds). Thus, players should be careful before using it and try to save it for the right enemy.

Thankfully, there is a way to set up an amazing combo with Avada Kedavra that will one-shot multiple enemies in one go.

First, start by unlocking the following talents from the Dark Arts Talent Tree:

  1. Imperio Mastery – The enemy cursed by Imperio will curse any other enemies they hit.
  2. Crucio Mastery – Whenever the player hits an enemy targeted by Crucio, the curse will spread to another nearby enemy.
  3. Enduring Curse – Cursed effect remains active for a longer period of time.
  4. Avada Kedavra Mastery – Killing an enemy will kill all cursed enemies.

For this combo, use Imperio and Crucio on two different enemies, and hit the enemy targeted with Crucio. This will end up spreading the cursed effect to at least four different enemies. Then, target a fifth enemy (ideally a strong one like a troll) with Avada Kedavra.

When cast, Avada Kedavra will kill all cursed enemies, which should be five or more, based on how much your curses spread.

Wrapping up

To sum up, players can learn Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy by completing the “In the Shadow of the Relic” quest and should use it with the right talents after spreading the cursed effect on as many enemies as possible.

If Avada Kedavra is still on cooldown and you have a tough enemy in front of you, consider checking out our guide on the best spell combos in the game that will help you take down even the toughest enemies.

Have you learned all Unforgivable Curses? Do you think Avada Kedavra is overpowered? Let us know in the comments below.


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