Hogwarts Legacy: E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre Quest Guide

E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre is an early-game side quest in Hogwarts Legacy that rewards players with the Column wand handle in beige.

This puzzle can be started in Irondale and requires visiting an area and breaking 20 vases hidden around.

In this Hogwarts Legacy guide, I will explain how to start the “E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre” quest and showcase how to solve the puzzle and complete it.

For more quest guides, consider checking out my article on how to complete the “Solved by the Bell Puzzle” quest. It’s a tricky end-game quest that players can easily miss.

E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre Quest Starting Location in Hogwarts Legacy

To start the “E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre” quest, players will need to travel to the Irondale Hamlet, which is on the South side of the map.

E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre quest starting location in Hogwarts Legacy.
“E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre” quest starting location in Hogwarts Legacy.

From there, talk to Althea Twiddle, who is near the Floo Flame of the hamlet. She will task you with traveling to a certain location and solving the puzzle.

E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre Quest Guide in Hogwarts Legacy

Follow the quest marker to reach the marked location. To solve this puzzle, you will need to break 20 vases around you.

They all break easily with Basic Cast and are fairly easy to spot. To make things even simpler, you can use Revelio to reveal all their locations.

All the vases will be in close proximity to the marked area, so you don’t have to go far.

After breaking all vases, you can return to Althea Twiddle to complete the quest.

Interact with Althea Twiddle to complete the "E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre" quest in Hogwarts Legacy.
Interact with Althea Twiddle to complete the “E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre” quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

However, when breaking the vases, you’ll get an additional reward. A door will unlock in the middle of the area where you were breaking them.

This is one of the game’s battle arenas, where you have to face multiple waves of opponents and complete dueling feats for some extra rewards.

Overall, battle arenas are one of the best ways of leveling up in Hogwarts Legacy and I highly recommend completing it while also trying to do all the dueling feats mentioned.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Hogwarts Legacy guide, this is everything players need to know to complete the “E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre” quest.

Travel to Irondale to start the quest, move to the marked area nearby, break the vases to unlock the battle arena, and return to Irondale to complete the quest.

Have you managed to complete all side quests in the game? If not, how many are you missing? Let us know in the comments below.

Also, did you know that Hogwarts Legacy has multiplayer? It’s available through a Steam mod that allows you to join your friends in exploring Hogwarts.


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