Hogwarts Legacy: Absconder Encounter Quest Guide

“Absconder Encounter” is an early-game sidequest in one of the hamlets in Hogwarts Legacy that rewards gold and a wand handle and is also required for unlocking the “Tangled Web” quest.

For this quest, players will have to find and defeat the Absconder boss, which is a large spider located in the Forbidden Forest.

In this guide, I will explain how to start the “Absconder Encounter” quest in Hogwarts Legacy as well as how to complete it.

For more guides, check out how to unlock the Venomous Tentacula, the strongest combat plant in the game.

How to Start the Absconder Encounter Quest in Hogwarts Legacy

To start this quest, there are no special requirements. Simply head to the Aranshire hamlet, which is directly east of the Hogwarts castle.

Absconder Encounter quest starting location in Hogwarts Legacy
Absconder Encounter quest starting location in Hogwarts Legacy

When you get there, look for the merchant Edgar Adley, who will begin the quest and reveal to you the Absonder’s exact location.

For the next part of the quest, you’ll need to head to the northern side of the Forbidden Forest.

How to Complete Absconder Encounter in Hogwarts Legacy

Travel to the North Ford Bog Entrance Floo Flame and mount your broom. Head directly south and follow the quest marker until you find a hidden cave.

Absconder Encounter quest location in Hogwarts Legacy
Absconder Encounter quest location in Hogwarts Legacy

Since we’re dealing with spiders, it’s important to equip any fire spells you have unlocked such as Incendio and Confringo. Also, try and combine these with Glacio, as it’s one of the best spell combos in the game, and it’s ideal for taking down bosses.

Keep following the quest tracker (up arrow on D-pad) and defeat any spiders in your way until you reach the final room with the Absconder.

How to defeat the Absconder boss in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to defeat the Absconder boss in Hogwarts Legacy.

Use fire spells, Ancient Magic, and Ancient Magic throw to take it down. Lastly, use Revelio to locate the nearby room where the heirloom Milo left behind is located.

The room will be blocked by a cobweb and have two loot containers and three spider egg sacs.

How to find the heirloom Milo left behind in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to find the heirloom Milo left behind.

With the heirloom secured, return to Edgar in Aranshire to complete the quest.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, that’s everything you need to know on how to complete the “Absconder Encounter” quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

Follow the quest marker into the Forbidden Forest and defeat all the spiders there until you find the heirloom pocket watch. And that’s all!

Now that you’ve completed this quest, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to complete the “Tangled Web” quest, which is unlocked right after completing this one.

What do you think about the multiple spider side quests in the game? Do they scare you, or do you enjoy exploring these dark caves? Let us know in the comments below.


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