High on Life: How to Fix Skrendel Errors / Boss Fight Not Spawning

Exploring the Skrendel labs and defeating the Skrendel Bros is a vital part of the storyline in High on Life.

However, some players have been facing specific bugs and errors while trying to explore this storyline. For some, the doors in the cloning facility won’t open, while for others the boss won’t spawn at all.

In this guide, I will explain what to do when the boss fight is not spawning and you’re facing errors in the Skrendel Labs in High on Life.

How to Fix: Angela Skrendel Not Spawning

Reload from the last checkpoint and make sure the Creature weapon is working to start the fight with Angela Skrendel in High on Life.
Reload from the last checkpoint and make sure the Creature weapon is working to start the fight with Angela Skrendel in High on Life.

During the Skrendel storyline, players will be tasked with chasing Skrendel into the cloning facility. Many doors there open automatically by going nearby, while others require puzzles based on your weapons (especially the new Creature weapon).

However, many players have progressed until the main room where the boss fight takes place and the boss isn’t there. Others can’t even get to the boss’ room since the doors don’t open.

For these scenarios, if you’re certain you haven’t missed some puzzle, the best solution is to reload the previous checkpoint.

This is done simply by going back to the main menu and reloading the save file.

After that, progress normally towards the boss and everything should spawn.

How to Fix: Creature Weapon Doesn’t Work

Keep the Creature weapon in your hands and aim at the pipes in High on Life.
Keep the Creature weapon in your hands and aim at the pipes in High on Life.

Another issue some players have been facing includes the newly-acquired creature weapon not working properly. It shoots its kids into the pipe and they just fall through without doing anything.

For this bug, start again by reloading to the previous checkpoint.

Then, after getting the Creature weapon, equip it immediately and keep it in your hands while approaching the first door. This will trigger instructions on how to use it and allow you to progress the game.

If the issue remains, another solution is exploring a different area for a while and returning to Skrendel Labs a few minutes later.


To sum up, that’s everything you need to know on how to fix any errors in the Skrendel Labs location in High on Life.

By reloading the last checkpoint and making sure you have the Creature weapon in your hands, the boss will spawn normally, doors will work fine, and the Creature weapon will do its job right.

With the bug fixed, we can now all take a break and check out how to navigate the mist in the latest Valheim update.

Did this guide help you solve the bug you were facing? Regardless of any errors, did you enjoy the Skrendel Labs area? Let us know in the comments below.


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