FFXIV 6.2 Island Sanctuary: Where to Gather All Items

Are you tired of exploring through the Island Sanctuary and struggling to find the items? While the gathering grind is part of the fun in this Island Sanctuary patch update, I agree, it can get quite frustrating at times – but I am here to help you with that.

This means that in today’s article, we’re going to learn where to find all the items in the Island Sanctuary in FFXIV.

The FFXIV 6.2 patch consists of the Island Sanctuary, which is not exactly part of the game. It’s more like a quest that doesn’t affect your in-game stats.

This was added to provide a more relaxing exploration grind for the lesser hardcore FFXIV players. And, it has lived up to its job, just like the Umbrella Dance Emote.

Completing tasks in the Island comes in the form of crafting handicrafts, buildings, and food. To craft these items, you’ll need to be proficient in gathering the required items.

So, without further ado, let’s move into the detailed guide on where to gather all items in the Island Sanctuary of FFXIV 6.2 patch.

Where to Gather all Items in Island Sanctuary?

First things first, you’ll need to switch to the Gather mode to start the gathering in the island. You can go the Islekeep’s Index to switch to this mode and this will highlight the key gathering points as you explore.

I’ll go through each of the items available in the island and provide tips to gather them quickly.

Islekeep's Index

Island Sand

You can quickly gather some Island Sand from the rubbles and mud near the Eastward Stream.

Island Branches and Island Logs

Both the Island branches and logs can be collected from “The Wilds”. These are usually available in the Tualong trees that can be found around the Palm trees.

Island Sap

Island Sap can also be found in “The Wilds” but you need to collect it from the Mahogany trees. Moreover, you can also find Island Logs on Mahogany trees.

You’ll basically be chopping the Mahogany trees down to obtain both these items.

Island Sanctuary Island Sap

Island Stones

Still in “The Wilds”, you can collect the Island Stones from the rocks and stones near the stream passing through. Island Limestones are also available in this area.

Island Clams and Island Squids

These items are found in very limited locations, and I’ve only found them by swimming towards the north of the Island Sanctuary between the huge rocks.

You need to dive down under the water once you reach there and the Island clams and squids can be easily spotted.

If, however, you aren’t able to spot the clams, that would mean you need to level up and go above Level 7, as these items are only available then.

Island Lever

The Island lever can be found in the same place as the island squids. You should be able to spot these easily after a bit of underwater exploration. Level 7 is also not required for the Island Lever.

Island Clay

Once you’ve crossed Level 5, you’ll receive a shovel that you can employ to collect Island Clay near the Eastward Stream, like you did for Island Sand.

Island Clay

Island Corals and Island Jellyfish

The Island Corals are also available in limited areas, one of them being under the water in the Southeast of the map.

You need to dive in under the ocean and move towards the large rocks sitting on the seabed to collect your Island Corals.

If you’re above level 7, the Island Jellyfish can be found near the rocks too.

Island Copper Ore and Island Rock Salt

Island Copper Ore and Rock Salt are the items that need to be farmed before adding them to your Sanctuary Gathering Log.

On the Southeast of the map in Blush Rock, you can farm the Copper Ore as the required resources are best available over there.

Island Copper Ore

In the case of Rock Salt, you need to go to the caves in the Crystal-Banded Rock, also located in the Southeast of the map.

It may take a while to farm these items and gather them, so you need to hold on to your horses!

Island Parsnip Seeds

A bit towards the extreme north, the Island Parsnip seeds are available in plenty. The Island Popoto sets can be found in the same area as well.

It can quite time consuming to go all around the area and collect all the Parsnip seeds as they’re not clustered in one single place.

Island Iron Ore and Island Quartz

Once you’re past level 8, these two items can be effortlessly gathered in the mountain paths of the Rough Black Rock.

If you move a bit more in the north direction near the water, you may also collect the Island Leucogranite if you’re interested to add it to your Gathering Log.

Island Tinsand

In the Submerged Sand area near the middle of the map, all you need to do is move through the stream passing through the rocks and clay before you run into some Island Tinsand.

Island Tinsand

Palm Leaves and Palm Logs

Palm leaves and logs are one of the easiest items to gather. Since there are an abundance of palm trees towards the start, that’s where you can bank on a huge number of palm trees and palm logs.


Vines can be collected from the apple trees and the sugarcane trees, which shouldn’t be too hard to find.

The apple trees can also help you gather additional apples as a Food item.

Islewort and Popotoes

All the smaller plants in the map will provide the Islewort and Popotoes that you’ll need to gather.

The Rare Materials

The rare materials in the Island Sanctuary are the Island Alyssum, Raw Island Garnet, Island Spruce Log, Island Hammerhead, and Island Silver Ore.

So far, I’ve only found out that the rare materials can only be quickly collected through the Granary expeditions that is offered once daily in the game.

Wrapping Up

Well, that’s a lot of items to gather! While it may seem like a lot, gathering in the Island Sanctuary is a pretty peaceful experience, if you’re into it!

It’s quite enjoyable moving through the map, swimming in the ocean and strolling in the bushes, even if you’re not in Gather mode.

I’ve went to through all and tried to cover where to gather all items that can be found in this beautiful Island.

Gathering helps you to level up and enjoy the features of the Island Sanctuary to its full potential! So, don’t waste any more time and start gathering!

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