Fallout 76 Into the Fire Walkthrough to Pass the Knowledge Exam (All Answers)

If you want to become a Fire Breather in Fallout 76, you have to take things one at a time.

The first thing you must do is pass the knowledge exam for the Into the Fire missions and I’m here today to help you with that: I have all the answers for the Into the Fire knowledge exam!

It is true, you can find them by yourself by using a bit of common sense and by exploring the building a bit and doing some reading.

But if you don’t feel like reading and trying to take the exam over and over, I have the answers for you.

So let’s not waste a single second and instead let’s check out below the Into the Fire answers to pass the knowledge exam in Fallout 76!

You have seven questions and I’m listing them below. Please have in mind that the two of the selected answers below are not the correct ones (so check my notes for the correct answer in all cases). Yes, it’s not easy to become a Fire Breather!

(all screenshots are used with permission, as Modded Vault merged with CommonSenseGamer in 2021)

Fallout 76: Into the Fire Exam Question 1

Fallout 76 into the fire knowledge exam 001

Q: The tunnel you’re traversing has begun filling up with a strange gas and you’re without your breathing apparatus. What do you do?

A: Evacuate as quickly as possible

Fallout 76: Into the Fire Exam Question 2

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Q: While traversing a smoke-filled building, your breathing apparatus has failed. Which of the following will sever as the best replacement?

A: A water-soaked rag

Fallout 76: Into the Fire Exam Question 3

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Q: One of your fellow Fire Breathers has been burned. The area is painful to touch, but no blisters are forming. You’ve applied a cool compress. What’s the next thing you should do?

A: Gently bind the burn with clean bandages.

Fallout 76: Into the Fire Exam Question 4

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Q: While exploring a collapsed mine, your team leader flashes their safety light quickly three times. What does this mean?

A: Retreat immediately.

Fallout 76: Into the Fire Exam Question 5

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Q: One of your squadmates has caught a case of Sludge Lung. Which of the following sets of ingredients, when cooked together, can be used as a cure?

A: 1 pt Purified Water, 2 Ash Rose, 2 Blight, 2 Soot Flower.

Fallout 76: Into the Fire Exam Question 6

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Q: You’ve stumbled upon a band of Scorch-diseased people brandishing clubs. Which of the following is the ONLY acceptable method of engaging them?

A: Fall back and engage from a distance with firearms.

Fallout 76: Into the Fire Exam Question 7

Fallout 76 into the fire knowledge exam 007

Q: You’ve captured a Scorched-infected man who you recognize as a childhood friend. What do you do?

A: End his life as mercifully as possible.

And this is it! By selecting these answers, you will correctly answer the 7 questions of the Fire Breathers exam and you’ll be one step closer to becoming one yourself.

There’s still a long way to go, but this difficult part is over, at least! Hopefully it was useful – I did have to try it for a few times even after reading some of the study materials!

Calin Ciabai

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