Cult of the Lamb: How to Get Lobster and Squid

Fishing mini-games can be found within almost any game nowadays, and Cult of the Lamb is no exception. Even the coolest named cults need something to eat.

Fishing is an essential activity if players are looking to complete certain quests and feed their followers. The main fishing location is going to be Pilgrim’s Passage.

In this guide, we’ll explain everything about fishing in Cult of the Lamb, including how to get some of the harder catches like lobster and squid.

How to Unlock Fishing

Fishing is unlocked early in the game. While exploring the Darkwood Dungeon, players will find a room with a pond in the middle and an NPC called ‘the Fisherman’.

By talking to this NPC, players will unlock a new travel instance, the Pilgrim’s Passage. 

Pilgrim’s Passage location in Cult of the Lamb

Pilgrim’s Passage can be accessed from the player’s village, similarly to visiting the Lonely Shack (Ratau’s home).

Visit Pilgrim’s Passage and talk to the Fisherman near the docks to unlock the fishing rod. Now you’re ready to start fishing.

How to Fish in Cult of the Lamb

To start fishing, go to the sign next to the Fisherman at Pilgrim’s Passage. Then, use the interact button to start the fishing minigame.

The minigame itself is fairly simple, especially if you’re familiar with Stardew Valley’s fishing.

First, hold the default fishing button (A on Xbox, X on Playstation) to throw the hook as far as possible. Then, click the fishing button once a fish is hooked to start reeling.

Hold to throw the fishing hook further away.

When you have a fish on the hook, you must balance the hook to be on the same height as the green line.

The green line will be moving continuously up and down and you must adjust the hook to be on the line as much as possible. After that, you’ll have caught your first fish!

How to Catch Each Fish in Cult of the Lamb

There’s a wide variety of marine creatures in Cult of the Lamb. When fishing, there are three different fish shadows that you can catch: small, medium, and large.

Each shadow size corresponds to a variety of fishes. Here’s what to expect from each shadow:

  • Small fish: Minnow
  • Medium fish: Blowfish, Salmon
  • Large fish: Lobster, Squid, Octopus, Swordfish, Tuna, Crab

How to Get Lobster and Squid

Catching a lobster in Cult of the Lamb

If you’re specifically aiming for Lobster and Squid, only go for the large shadows. Throw the hook next to them and reel them in once they bite. After that, there’s a 2/6 chance that what you caught is either a Lobster or a Squid.

Lobster and Squid are required for the ‘Beasts Below the Waves’ quest, along with Octopus and Crab. All of those are large fish, aiming for the large shadows is the best way to get them.

Easiest Way to Complete Beasts Below the Waves

Beasts Below the Waves Quest in Cult of the Lamb

Fishing relies on luck. Even if you catch all the large fish, there’s a chance you won’t get each type of large fish. Some players have even spent hours fishing and still haven’t completed it.

An easier method is to unlock the Ritual of the Ocean Bounty. Collect stone tablets and reach level 3 in the Sustenance Doctrine Tree to unlock this ritual.

Activating it will double the amount of fish you catch while also making rare fish (like Lobster and Squid) more common.

Another alternative is to hope you’ll get the Neptune’s Curse Tarot Card within a dungeon. This causes enemies to drop fish when killed and there’s a good chance you’ll get the fish you’re looking for.


To get lobster and squid in Cult of the Lamb, players need to fish in Pilgrim’s Passage and aim for the large shadows. To increase their chances, we recommend unlocking the Ritual of the Ocean Bounty.

This way, players will complete the ‘Beasts Below the Waves’ quest easily, without relying too much on luck.

What about you? Will you wait to unlock the ritual, or try your luck on the quest without it?


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