Bramble The Mountain King – What Happens if You Don’t Kill Skogsra

Skogsra, or Skogsrået, is one of the seven bosses in Bramble the Mountain King and is fairly hard to beat as the fight is split into three phases.

After going through all three phases, Skogsra will kneel and players will have to approach her. There, they have the option to kill her.

If you don’t kill Skogsra there, she will attack you again and you’ll end up dying. So, you should attack and kill Skogsra when given the chance.

In this guide, I will explain what happens if you don’t kill Skogsra in Bramble the Mountain King and provide some tips on how to beat this boss fight.

If you’re interested in all the bosses instead, check out our guide on how to beat all bosses in Bramble the Mountain King.

What Happens if You Don’t Kill Skogsra in Bramble the Mountain King

What happens if you dont kill Skogsra in Bramble the Mountain King.

After defeating Skogsra, you can approach her. There, you will have some quick-time events (QTE) where you will be called to attack her multiple times while she’s down and begging for mercy.

It is essential to not hesitate there and kill Skogsra as soon as possible. If you don’t, she will regain her strength and attack you again.

Due to that, you must kill Skogsra when given the chance by stabbing her five times and giving the final blow.

For those that were hoping for an achievement or a special cutscene after sparing Skogsra, we’re sorry to disappoint you but there’s nothing.

How to Beat Skogsra in Bramble the Mountain King

As for how to beat Skogsra in Bramble the Mountain King, the fight is split into three phases.

For Phase 1, you will need to use Spark on five statues that can be found behind trees and then attack Skogsra.

For Phase 2, repeat the same process but use a sword instead to take down the statues.

Lastly, for Phase 3, you will need to hit all the bodies surrounding her unit Skogsra becomes vulnerable. Attack her and she will enter the weakened state where you’ll need to finish her before she kills you.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, that’s everything you need to know about the Skogsra boss fight in Bramble the Mountain King.

When the boss fight is over, make sure to kill Skogsra immediately. If you don’t kill her, she will kill you and there are no special cutscenes or achievements for that.

Were you hoping for a special achievement if you were merciful towards Skkogsra? Did you hesitate to kill her when she was begging for mercy? Let us know in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you want a broader understanding of the game, check out our guide of all the characters in Bramble the Mountain King.


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