Best Spawn Region in Ark: Survival Ascended

Are you trying to decide on the best spawn region in Ark Survival Ascended? Here’s how to find the best starting location.

When creating your character, you’ll have a wide variety of options to choose from regarding spawn region, with up to three locations per cardinal direction.

In this guide, I will showcase the best starting locations in Ark Survival Ascended to help you start off on the right foot.

Combine this with our guide on the best base locations in ASA to ensure you’ve got the most optimal start.

Ark Survival Ascended Best Spawn Region Guide

Best spawn location in Ark Survival Ascended.

When first starting in Ark Survival Ascended, the best spawn region is the West Zone 2. This is because it’s less contested compared to other zones and has many explorer nodes to help you level up fast and progress through the early game.

After all, when starting out, your number one priority should be to level up. It’s not worth it to spend your first minutes farming resources since you can easily die and lose everything.

Once you spawn, head for the nearby island fairly close to the red obelisk and check around for explorer nodes. There are about seven of them in fairly close vicinity and each of them gives a significant amount of EXP.

These nodes are in metal/wooden containers and can be found near rocks, below cliffs, and hidden inside ruins near the beach. Overall, your goal should be to reach level 25, which will require 4-5 of these nodes.

If you want less contested spawns overall, consider checking out our ASA dedicated server setup guide. By setting up your own server and playing with friends, you’ll be able to have a better starting experience.

Safest Spawn Location

Best spawn location in Ark Survival Ascended.
Look for these explorer nodes to level up fast during the early game.

If you want to minimize the risk of dying at the cost of slightly reduced progression, the safest spawn location is anywhere on the South side of the map.

South spawns are ideal for new players as they have more early-game resources, have mostly harmless creatures, and are great for setting up a raft and heading to any other location afterward.

In terms of resources, you’ll be able to find everything needed for a basic shelter in the south.

On the contrary, the least safe and thus hardest spawn location is the North, since it’s filled with predators. However, on the bright side, it will be less contested by other players and has more valuable resources overall, such as metal.

Wrapping up

To summarize, the best spawn region and location in Ark Survival Ascended is West 2, since it has the perfect balance between the safe but contested South and the dangerous but resourceful North.

When starting out, the best strategy is to look for explorer cashes, since they are the most consistent way to level up early.

What’s your favorite starting location and early-game plan? Feel free to share your strategies in the comments below.

If you’re on a custom server and want to spice things up, check out our list of all cheats and console commands in Ark Survival Ascended.


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