Best Brotato Mods to Install Today

To spice up your Brotato experience you can install mods that will add new characters, weapons, items, enemies, and more.

In the Steam Workshop, there are various mods available for Brotato but not all of them are worth using.

In this guide, I will explain how to add mods in Brotato and list the five best Brotato mods that you should try today.

If you haven’t tried the latest update yet, consider checking out our guide on all the new characters in Brotato and how to unlock them.

How to Add Mods in Brotato

How to add mods in Brotato.

To add mods in Brotato, here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Launch Steam (without launching Brotato yet).
  2. Navigate to the Steam Workshop tab for Brotato.
  3. Search and select the mods you want to install.
  4. Launch Brotato and that’s all.

Before adding mods, make sure to back up your saved files by saving a copy of them on your desktop. To do that, search for %appdata%\Brotato in your Windows search and copy and paste the Brotato folder on your desktop.

Then, experiment as much as you want with modding. If you want to go back to your original save file, simply paste the folder from your desktop in the Brotato folder location and you’ll have your original save files.

Also, do not install every single mod at the same time as many of them do not work with others. Install the mods you want and run the game to see if everything works properly.

Best Brotato Mods

Without further delay, here are the five best mods in Brotato and their download links:

5. Mortato

Best Brotato mods.

The Mortato mod is a simple yet extremely fun mod to spice up your Brotato gameplay.

This mod adds 11 new characters to the game, each with unique powers and abilities. To keep it simple, it doesn’t include any new weapons or items. Additionally, there are plans for adding more new characters in the future.

Download the Mortato mod here.

4. Elemento

Elemento is a large mod that will change your complete Brotato experience. At the moment, it includes 13 new characters, 29 weapons, 41 items, and 8 sets.

If you’ve played enough Brotato to the point where you’ve tried almost every character and item and want something new, Elemento is a must-try.

Download the Elemento mod here.

3. FreeRerolls

Best Brotato mods.

If you want to make Brotato less challenging, FreeRerolls is a solid option. As its name suggests, FreeRerolls allows you to reroll items for free in the shop.

If you’re looking to try a very specific build and don’t want to spend all your money on rerolls, this mod is a great choice.

However, it is not recommended for players who want to try a challenge and are trying to complete Difficulty 5 runs.

Download the FreeRerolls mod here.

2. Supermarket

The Supermarket mod in Brotato expands the items available in the store.

The purpose of this mod is to eliminate any RNG factor in the game as it will always guarantee that you’ll get the item you’re looking for.

This is ideal if you’re aiming for a specific build like the best King build that focuses on getting as many Tier IV items as possible.

Download the Supermarket mod here.

1. New Ghost Weapons

Best Brotato mods.

If you’re a fan of Ghost Weapons, the best Brotato mod is the New Ghost Weapons mod.

This mod adds a wide variety of new Ghost weapons such as the Ghost Shield, Ghost Wrench, Ghost Pruner, and Ghhost Pistol.

Each weapon starts off with fairly weak stats but scales as you get more kills with it. Combine this mod with the best Apprentice build in Brotato to create the strongest late-game build ever.

Download the New Ghost Weapons mod here.

Wrapping up the Best Brotato Mods

In conclusion, players can add mods in Brotato by accessing the Steam Workshop and selecting the ones they want.

While there are many options to choose from, I’ve made sure to include my five favorite mods in the game for the best experience.

Have you tried any other mods? What’s your favorite one? Feel free to share your Brotato modding experiences in the comments below.

If you’re interested in vanilla gameplay instead, check out our guide on the best Fisherman build in Brotato.


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