Bayonetta 3: All Outfits & Customizations Guide

Bayonetta has had quite a distinctive sense of style when it comes to fashion in the previous Bayonetta games; the same goes for Bayonetta 3 as well!

While there are a few differences in how she dresses up in Bayonetta 3 compared to the previous games, the uniqueness is still present along with access to several other outfits and the ability to customize any outfit however you like.

In this Outfits and Customizations guide of Bayonetta 3, I’ll be taking you through the splendid, different outfits that Bayonetta can put on and how you can make use of the brilliant customization features of the game!

All Outfits & Customizations Guide in Bayonetta 3

There are eight different outfits in Bayonetta 3 and apart from the default outfit, each can be unlocked after a certain amount of progress in the game.

These outfits can be purchased using Halos from Rodin’s treasures at The Gates of Hell and are only available after the completion of certain chapters. These outfits will cost around 4,000 Halos each.

As you go through each chapter, make sure you check out the Shop to see what outfits are available for purchase.

Since Halo isn’t the key currency in Bayonetta 3, it can be somewhat rare; so, if you plan on getting all the outfits, then it’s important to save up on the Halos when you get them.

All Outfits in Bayonetta 3

Super Mirror 3

Bayonetta’s initial outfit is the Super Mirror 3 and it’s automatically unlocked from launch, so there’s no purchase required.

Super Mirror 3 Bayonetta 3

Super Mirror β1

The Super Mirror β1 costume can be purchased using 4,000 Halos from Rodin’s Treasures. It consists of a shiny, fashionable jacket as well as matching tights and hair bow.

Super Mirror β1 Bayonetta 3

Super Mirror β2

Also purchasable for 4,000 Halos from Rodin’s Treasures, the Super Mirror β2 is a gracefully-designed dress consisting of dragons and flowers.

Super Mirror β2 Bayonetta 3

Super Mirror β3

Yet another outfit in the Super Mirror series, the Super Mirror β3 brings more of an Egyptian essence with the long, white robe on Bayonetta. The theme is further justified by Bayonetta’s hairstyle and the crown.

Super Mirror β3 Bayonetta 3

Super Mirror β3 can be purchased for 4,000 Halos as well, from Rodin’s Treasures.

Super Mirror β4

Super Mirror β4 is the last of the Super Mirror β outfits and it brings yet another unique variance in the costume department with the magician-themed outfit.

Super Mirror β4 Bayonetta 3

Super Mirror

The Super Mirror outfit hits with a wave of nostalgia from the first Bayonetta game. It’s exactly the same as the one Bayonetta puts on in the first game.

Super Mirror Bayonetta 3

Super Mirror can be obtained from Rodin’s Treasures by spending 4,000 Halos, only if you have saved data from the first Bayonetta game on your Switch.

If not, you’ll have to wait till you complete the main story of Bayonetta 3, and then you can purchase the costume from Rodin’s Treasures.

Super Mirror 2

Similar to Super Mirror, Super Mirror 2 brings back Bayonetta’s key outfit from Bayonetta 2.

Super Mirror 2 Bayonetta 3

You need to follow the same process as for the Super Mirror outfit to obtain the Super Mirror 2 as well.

Super Mirror 0

The Super Mirror 0 is a secret costume in Bayonetta 3. Well, it’s not a secret anymore!

The costume is available only after you complete the main story of Bayonetta 3. You’ll need to spend 4,100 Halos first, in order to buy the Old Picture Book from Rodin’s Treasures.

After that, you’ll be required to look for the keys that will unlock the book and a play another mini Chapter quest.

Towards the end, you’ll come across a chest that has this Super Mirror 0 secret outfit and it needs to be opened before the quest ends.

The Super Mirror 0 will then be available at the Gates of Hell but you’ll need to spend 100 Halos more to purchase it completely.

Sadly, though, Super Mirror 0 doesn’t have any customizable features.

Customization in Bayonetta 3

Now that you know about all the available outfits in Bayonetta 3, let’s take a look at how these can be customized according to your preferences.

Couture Bullets are used to customize outfits and accessories in Bayonetta 3. Each outfit comes with a costume set and Couture Bullets that can modify a certain feature of the outfit.

These Couture Bullets need to be purchased from Rodin’s Treasures as well and just like the outfits, these are available after certain stages of the game.

Costume Color Change Bayonetta 3

Initially, when you haven’t purchased any outfits, only the color of Bayonetta’s hair can be changed using these Couture Bullets.

After further progress, once you’ve purchased more costumes, more Couture Bullets will be up for grabs that will let you change the color of the outfit and other accessories, such as hair color and frame color of her glasses.

For example, the Super Mirror 2 has a specific outfit Couture Bullet to bring out a bluish color, a short hairstyle and also a set of various hair color Couture Bullets.

Pink Hair Couture Bullets Bayonetta 3

On the other hand, Super Mirror β4 only has a variety of hair color Couture Bullets and one different-colored outfit Couture Bullet.

These Couture Bullets are fully accessible once you’ve properly completed the game.

How to Customize Outfits in Bayonetta 3?

Before you can customize, make sure you’ve purchased the certain Couture Bullet at The Gates of Hell from Rodin’s Treasures.

Enter the Costumes tab available towards the right in the Menu.

Bayoinetta 3 Costume Customization

Firstly, select the Costume that you want to change the color or hair of.

After that, depending your preference, move to the Costume Color or Hair Color section and go through each available color options to select the one best suited to your taste.

Wrapping Up

Bayonetta can be customized in the most exclusive manner you choose using the wide array of customization possible in the game. Each of the outfits are a work of art too, consisting of impressive themes and design.

Just like for the weapons in Bayonetta 3, the grind to get all of the outfits is also truly worth it in the end, and if outfits are important to you in a game, Bayonetta 3 will definitely NOT disappoint you!

NOTE: Several screenshots used in this article for the aid of the readers belong to ODAPHII in Bayonetta Fandom Wiki, and are used under the CC-BY-SA license.

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