Aliens: Dark Descent – How to Rotate Turrets / Sentry Guns

The Sentry Gun is a unique weapon in Aliens Dark Descent ideal for defending areas.

To make its placement easier, players can rotate it while in the placement mode by holding the “Place” button and rotating it with the left analog stick.

In this guide, I will explain how to rotate turrets and Sentry Guns in Aliens Dark Descent to help you get the most out of this weapon.

Also, if you’re looking for more weapon recommendations, check out our list of the best weapons in Aliens Dark Descent.

How to Rotate Turrets & Sentry Guns in Aliens Dark Descent

How to rotate sentry gun in Aliens Dark Descent - sentry gun placement mode.

To rotate the Sentry Gun in Aliens Dark Descent, equip it from your deployable and, during placement mode, hold down the placement button instead of tapping it.

While holding the placement button, use your left analog stick and rotate to rotate the placement of the Sentry Gun.

If you have already placed the turret and want to rotate it, you’ll need to interact with it and press ‘Y’ to pick it up. This will take a few seconds to pick up but then you’ll be able to place it anywhere and rotate it before finalizing the placement.

Also, to make it easier to place the Sentry Gun, consider enabling Pause Mode instead of Slow Motion.

How to Pause Time in Aliens Dark Descent

How to rotate sentry gun in Aliens Dark Descent - how to pause time.

While playing, you have the option to enable slow motion mode, which makes placing turrets and setting up in certain areas much easier. This is done by opening the Skill Menu.

However, you can also completely pause the game while in that menu, which makes it easier to place down turrets and set up everything.

To pause time in Aliens Dark Descent, open the settings, navigate to the ‘Gameplay’ tab, and set the ‘Pause Game’ option to On.

This way, you’ll be able to pause the game and organize your Marines easily at any point.

Wrapping up

To summarize, that’s everything you need to know on how to rotate turrets and Sentry Guns in Aliens Dark Descent.

All it takes is holding down the placement button instead of tapping it and rotating your left analog stick until you find the ideal angle.

Do you use Sentry Guns often? What’s your preferred placement for them? Feel free to share your thoughts and recommendations in the comments below.

For more early-game guides, check out our article on how to stealth kill in Aliens Dark Descent.


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