Wylde Flowers: How to Get Copper and Silver Ore

Copper and silver ores are minerals in Wylde Flowers essential for progressing in the game.

They are the next step of progression after unlocking the mines and farming iron ore.

In this guide, I will explain how to get copper and silver ore in Wylde Flowers, as well as where to use these ores to progress in the game.

How to Get Copper Ore in Wylde Flowers

First 14 floors of the mine. Visit 5-14 for copper, and 10-14 for silver.

Copper ore can only be found in the mines. The key aspect here is that it can be found only starting from floor 5.

Anywhere below floor 5 will only yield iron ore. However, copper can also be found on all floors after level 5.

It is the most common ore on floors 7-9, where the majority of rocks broken will yield copper. You can still get it on floor 14+, but it’s less common since there are more ores in the pool of minerals.

Also, as soon as you get enough copper, prioritize upgrading to the copper pickaxe. It will make mining significantly easier and will increase your resource yields.

How to Get Silver Ore in Wylde Flowers

Iron Ore (bottom left), Copper Ore (right side, middle), and Silver Ore (right side, top).

Similar to copper, silver is found only within the mines. The difference is that silver can only be found starting from floor 10.

Silver, which is the next upgrade after copper, is most common on floors 12-14. While players can still get iron and copper there, silver has a slightly higher drop rate.

Where to Use Copper and Silver

The main use of the ores is to craft them directly into ingots. Their recipes are the following:

  • 1 Copper Ingot = 2 Copper Ore + 10 Coins
  • 1 Silver Ingot = 2 Silver Ore + 15 Coins

In addition, ores can be used for crafting magic-related ingredients. Thus, don’t rush to turn everything into ingots, but save a few ores just in case.

Use copper ore to make copper ingots and upgrade tools.

For instance, to change seasons from spring to summer, players need to craft a Spirit Flame. Among others, this recipe requires copper essence, which can be crafted at a distillery with 2 copper ores.

As for the ingots themselves, they can either be sold for a great price, or used for quests, tool upgrades, or construction projects.

Their selling prices are as follows:

  • Copper Ingot – 25 Coins
  • Silver Ingot – 38 Coins

Keep in mind that while copper can be sold to the blacksmith, silver is only sold to the jeweler. Both reward players with solid money after selling them directly.

Out of all the possible upgrades, the most important one would be to upgrade your tools. A better axe or pickaxe will make a huge difference in managing your energy reserves and give you more resources overall.


And that’s all. Now you know how to get copper and silver ore in Wylde Flowers.

All it takes is mining at certain levels within the mine and then hoping to get the ore you’re looking for.

These ores are essential for progressing in the game, both for the main story and for sidequests.

If you’re enjoying Wylde Flowers, consider checking out our guide on some of the best tips and tricks in the game.

Have you found copper and silver yet? Which of your tools are you upgrading first? Let us know in the comments below.


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