Below the Stone: Guide for Beginners [ALL You Need to Know]

This Below the Stone Beginners’ guide will include everything you need to know before you set off on your first adventure.

Overall, the best tips for beginners involve understanding the HUD, choosing three quests on each run, while also not getting too greedy, and taking your time looting to avoid cave-ins.

Let’s go through them in turn and explain each tip in further detail.

Best Tips and Tricks for Beginners in Below the Stone

Best beginners guide in Below the Stone.

To make your first few runs smoother, this beginners guide will include the best tips and tricks to get started in Below the Stone.

Make sure to take your time with the game and your runs will be much easier and significantly more profitable.

Understand the HUD

The HUD can be confusing at first, so make sure you’re familiar with all its elements.

More importantly, always check your HP on the bottom above your tools, your equipment (left of the inventory), and your resistance (below equipment).

Keep an eye on those so that you’re always aware of how much damage you can tank and if you should keep looting or extract.

Choose 3 Quests Every Time

Best beginners guide in Below the Stone.

Before every mission, you can accept 1 to 3 quests. While you can only take one, there’s no reason to do that. Always choose three quests.

After all, even if you only complete one quest and things get messy, you can always extract.

Don’t Get Too Greedy

While loot and quest completion are important in this game, what’s more important is staying alive. If you’re low on HP and have completed two of your three quests, don’t get greedy for the last one.

Extract and leave it for the next time. After all, you can extract once you complete one quest; you don’t need all three to get out.

Be Careful of Cave-ins

Best beginners guide in Below the Stone.

As you’re mining around, you’ll eventually notice some cracked blocks. If you break those, you will cause a cave-in, which means rocks will start falling all around you and you must back off or you’ll take damage.

Be careful of these blocks and make sure to run back if you break them.

Take Your Time Looting

The most important tip for beginners in Below the Stone is to take your time looting. Don’t rush from one area to the next without checking for enemies.

One wrong step in an area full of skeleton archers could lead to your death within seconds. Take your time and approach each location with caution.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Below the Stone Beginners guide, that’s everything you need to know to keep you alive during your first few runs while also making sure you’re making money.

Do you have any other tips to add for newer players? What do you think of the game so far? Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments below.

If you’re looking to try a similar game, here’s how to get pets and how to defeat Ghorm the Devourer in Core Keeper.


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