Like a Dragon Gaiden: One Shot Challenge Guide [How to Beat]

At the Kiss Shot Billiards in Like a Dragon Gaiden, you will be able to take on the One Shot Challenge, and in this guide, I will go over how to beat all the levels.

There are four difficulties for the One Shot Challenge in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. You start from Easy, and when you complete all three stages, you go up to Normal, then Hard, and finally Legend.

You can find the Kiss Shot Billiards located in the southwestern corner of the map, but if you get lost, use the Search function on the map itself.

One Shot Challenge: Easy Difficulty


There are three stages players must clear before unlocking later difficulties. There are three stages per difficulty, and each of them requires a different way to solve them. You will be given 10 tries to complete all three stages.

Easy Difficulty Stage 1


The first shot is the easiest out of the whole bunch. Use the shot projection to hit the red ball in the middle, and give it a little power to make sure you reach the hole.

Easy Difficulty Stage 2


For the second shot, you have to shoot between two lines of eight balls. Use the wall to aim for the red ball diagonally. Use more force behind your hit.

Easy Difficulty Stage 3


The third shot will introduce ramps. This is the beginning of using objects, to make the shots trickier. The only thing you need to do here is cross the ramp.

These are all the stages in the Easy difficulty of the One Shot Challenge in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

If you want to dress to impress while going around the city, check out our guide on where to find Formal Attire in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

One Shot Challenge: Normal Difficulty


There are three stages players must clear before unlocking higher difficulties. You will be given 10 tries to complete all three stages.

Normal stages introduce yellow balls for you to hit, to get the red ball in the hole.

Normal Difficulty Stage 1


For the first Normal Stage, you will want to hit the ball on the bottom right, like the image shows, and use a little force to hit the yellow hard enough to push the red into the hole.

Normal Difficulty Stage 2


For the second Normal Stage, you will want to use the shot projection to hit the yellow ball in the middle and push it into the red ball.

Normal Difficulty Stage 3


The third stage is tricky, and it will require you to hit the ball with full force. It feels pretty simple, but it can be a little frustrating. Don’t let the simplicity fool you, you will want to have some attempts saved up.

These are all the stages in the Normal difficulty of the One Shot Challenge in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

Before moving to the tougher challenges, you might want to check out our guide on how to level up fast the Akame Network in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

One Shot Challenge: Hard Difficulty


There are three challenges players must clear before unlocking the last difficulty. You will be given 10 tries to complete all three stages.

Hard Difficulty Stage 1


The first Hard Stage looks difficult at first glance, but there is an easy trick you can use. You line your shot with the bottom right corner of the wooden block the red ball is next to.

Once you shoot with enough force the ball will bounce pushing the red ball in the hole.

Hard Difficulty Stage 2


The second Hard Stage, wants the player to make the yellow ball bounce back and forth between the wall and the wooden boxes. The key is to hit the yellow ball a little off-center toward the left side.

Hard Difficulty Stage 3


The final challenge of the Hard Stages is pretty straightforward. You need to hit the yellow ball, make it go over the ramp, slide down the two wooden blocks, and finally hit the red ball into the hole.

These are all the stages in the Hard difficulty of the One Shot Challenge in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

One Shot Challenge: Legend Difficulty


This is the final difficulty you can unlock. It is extremely difficult, and it may take a couple of tries before completing it. You will be given 10 tries to complete all three stages.

Legend Difficulty Stage 1


The first challenge of the Legend Stage has two possible solutions.

First, you can hit the ball as hard as you can to make it hit the back wall, and then bounce back to hit the red ball into the hole, which is doable but can be a little hit-and-miss.

Your second option is to hit the ball when the stick reaches the middle point, and when it goes off the ramp, it will hit the red ball pushing into the hole as it falls.

Legend Difficulty Stage 2


The second stage can be extremely frustrating. As with the one before it, you can try two different solutions.

Firstly, you can hit the point shown in the picture below, with enough strength that the ball will bounce from the wooden block to the one across, and then it will go through the gap.

Your other option is to use the wooden block in the middle on the top of the board. Aim at the side of this block, slightly left of the center. Use almost all your strength to hit the ball, and it will bounce between the gap, and push the red into the hole.

Legend Difficulty Stage 3


The final challenge of the Legendstage is the trickiest of them all, which is understandable.

Turn the projection enough that the ball hits the right table wall, and bounces to the top. Aim slightly right of the hole, and use almost all your power to hit the ball hard enough to go off both ramps and hit the red ball.

These are all the stages in the Legend difficulty of the One Shot Challenge in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

Final Thoughts

All the different stages will need some trial and error to pass, but once you complete all of them, you won’t have to do them again.

If you want to know more about the game, check out our guide on all the Coliseum Fighters listed in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

With all the different One Shot Challenge stage solutions showcased in Like a Dragon Gaiden, you will be able to go in there and leave without getting too frustrated. Share your thoughts in the comments about your favorite minigame in the game.


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