Baldur’s Gate 3 Screen Flickering on PC – Here’s How to Fix

Screen Flickering on PC can occur when a game is as complex as Baldur’s Gate 3. Here is how to fix it, and how to keep your experience as smooth as possible.

Whis a game as big as Baldur’s Gate 3, and as taxing players are bound to come across a bug or two. One of the most common is Screen Flickering, yet thankfully it can be the easiest one to fix.

Here are a few tips you can try to fix the Screen Flickering in Baldur’s Gate 3.

  • Restart the game
  • Change the game’s settings
  • Verify the file integrity on Steam
  • Close unwanted programs running in the background
  • Make sure the Graphics Card and the PC is updated

These are the universal fixes for players can try out. More often than not, these options will fix any problems players encounter.

If you are at the beginning of the game, and you want to know which choices will you the best solution, check out our guide on how to remove the parasite in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Dealing with Screen Flickering


There are five universal fixes you can try to use, to fix the screen flickering that can occur in the game.

They are quite simple, but most people tend to overlook them. Let’s go over how to fix the screen flickering for Baldur’s Gate 3.

Restart the Game


The most obvious thing to try is to restart the game. Save your progress, completely close out of the game, and then start it again.

When a game is running for long periods, the game tends to encounter issues.

More often than not, a clean restart will allow it to resolve any issues you may have encountered, and get back to a smoother experience.

Change the Game’s Settings


The game’s setting or more precisely forcing the game to run with higher than recommended settings, will result in weird visual bugs, such as Screen Flickering.

In the official forum of the game, it is recommended to disable the Vsync option. By default, for some players, it will be set to Triple Buffering. In the drop-down menu just change it to Disable.

Players will also want to check a little down below in the Quality part, and click the Auto-Detect. This will allow the game to automatically change the game’s graphics to what your PC will be able to handle.

If you feel that even the recommended graphic settings are a bit too much for your PC to handle then lower them even further until the game runs smoothly.

Many players have stated that when changing the game’s Visual settings the Screen Flickering bug in Balduer’s Gate 3 was resolved.

Verify the File Integrity on Steam


Maybe the Screen Flickerng bug is caused by something in the files players will be unable to fix by themselves.

Verifying the file’s integrity will allow the game to check itself out, and report back to you whether something was wrong or not.

To do that, you will need to open your Steam Library. Go to Balder’s Gate 3, and go to the far right there is a gear, that when highlighted says Manage.

Click on it, and go to Properties in the drop-down menu. A new window will pop up, with six different options. You will want to go to the third option, Installed Files.

Go to the last option, and click on the Verify integrity of game files. a percentage will slowly go up while the files are getting verified. Once it reaches 100% you will be notified if something is wrong with the files or not.

Close Unwanted Programs Running in the Background


Many of us usually play games, while leaving something open in the background.

That could be a browser with 15 tabs open, a video playing, a live stream running, or anything else we enjoy.

The problem is that a game such as Baldur’s Gate 3, needs all the PC resources it can have. Splitting those resources among many different programs will understandably affect the game’s performance.

Before opening the game, make sure you always close any unneeded programs you have running in the background.

By doing that you will avoid any unwanted bugs from popping out of nowhere because your computer is struggling to handle all the things you want it to do.

Make Sure the Graphics Card and the PC is Updated


Many players tend to leave updates until the PC itself has to make a point to bring it to their attention.

Most games will run into problems because updates like these are needed to run smoothly. The next time before running Bladur’s Gate 3 make sure that both your PC and your Graphics Card are updated to their latest version.

Once you make sure they are updated, restart your PC, and run the game like usual.

Final Thoughts

Graphical bugs can be found in many games, and they are a part of any gaming experience. Knowing how to deal with them is important, to a smooth and stable experience.

Want to know how to unlock weapons and armor forging, check out our guide on how to get the Infernal Iron in Baldur’s Gate 3.

With all the reliable fixes for Screen Flickering on PC in Baldur’s Gate 3 laid out, players will be able to have a smooth, reliable, and stable experience while playing. Share your own solutions in the comments down below.


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