Wayfinder Best Kyros Build

Are you looking for a strong mage character that can deal great damage from a distance? Here’s how to achieve that through the best Kyros build guide in Wayfinder.

Kyros is a great choice if you’re looking to maximize your damage through Ability Power by focusing on creating Arcane Fragments.

In this guide, I will showcase the best Kyros build in Wayfinder by explaining his abilities and focusing on his best weapon, affinity points, attributes, and skill point distribution.

If you haven’t settled on a character yet, don’t forget to check out our Wayfinder class tier list.

Kyros Abilities

Best Kyros build in Wayfinder.

In terms of skills, here are all of Kyros’ active and passive abilities in Wayfinder:

  • Arcane Fragments (passive): Allows Kyros to use Savage Rake free of charge once and generates Arcane Fragments when using Siphoon Radiant on enemies, landing combo finishers, and from certain ability upgrades.
  • Hand of Reckoning (ultimate): Deals massive AoE damage.
  • Savage Rake: Damages all enemies in front of Kyros.
  • Siphon Radiant: AoE blast that deals damage and absorbs arcane power, thus reducing cooldowns and granting an arcane fragment.
  • Arcane Focus: Marks enemies in an area. After dealing damage, the Mark increases in power. After 8 seconds or reaching max power, the Mark explodes and deals damage based on its power.

If you’re looking for a character that focuses on DPS instead of instant damage, check out our best Venomess build guide in Wayfinder.

Best Kyros Weapon in Wayfinder

Best Kyros build in Wayfinder.

The best weapon for Kyros is his signature weapon, the Epitaph.

With its Arcane Harvest active ability that deals AoE damage and increases your ability power, and the Arcane Fragments passive ability that generates Arcane Fragments and buffs your Savage Rake skill, Epitaph manages to stand out as Kyros’ best choice.

Best Kyros Affinity Perks & Attributes

Best Kyros build in Wayfinder.

In terms of Affinity for Kyros, I recommend investing points in the following way:

  • Instinct: 15
  • Discipline: 5
  • Focus: 5

Maxing Instinct will allow you to maximize your Ability Power, while also gaining access to two useful perks. Then, Discipline and Focus are leveled up only to five for the small stat boosts and their respective perks.

As for the best Kyros attributes in Wayfinder, I recommend prioritizing Ability Power first, then Crit Rating and Crit Power, and lastly Break Power.

Since he is a ranged DPS, your goal is to maximize your damage through Ability Power and crit stats.

Kyros Skill Points Guide

Best Kyros build in Wayfinder.

While leveling up Kyros, your goal is to focus on dealing as much damage as possible while maximizing the efficiency of your Savage Rake through Arcane Fragment production.

Thus, this is the best Skill points progression guide for Kyros in Wayfinder:

  1. Siphon Radiant 1
  2. Savage Rake 1
  3. Hand of Reckoning 1
  4. Siphon Radiant 2
  5. Siphon Radiant 3
  6. Savage Rake 2
  7. Savage Rake 3

One level in Hand of Reckoning will increase your overall DPS, while maxing out Siphon Radiant and Savage Rake will allow you to deal more damage, have some self-healing, reduce cooldowns, and generate more fragments.

Wrapping up the Best Kyros Build in Wayfinder

To summarize the best Kyros build guide in Wayfinder, use Kyros as a DPS unit and focus on increasing his Ability Power as much as possible.

With the best weapon, affinity points, attributes, and skill points, he will be able to take down any enemy and boss with ease.

What do you think about Kyros so far? What’s your go-to build for him? Feel free to share your favorite build and gameplay suggestions in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you’re low on gold, check out our Wayfinder gold farm guide to help you make more money fast.


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