Wayfinder: Best Venomess Build

Are you looking for a character that can deal great DPS through poison while also healing allies? This best Venomess build guide in Wayfinder will help you with exactly that.

Overall, Venomess is an amazing character that has a great combination of damage and healing abilities and is great for solo and group content.

In this guide, I will showcase the best Venomess build in Wayfinder by explaining her abilities and focusing on her best weapon, affinity points, attributes, and skill point distribution.

In case you don’t have her yet, check out our guide on how to unlock Venomess in Wayfinder.

Venomess Abilities

Best Venomess build in Wayfinder.

In terms of skills, here are all of Venomess’ active and passive abilities in Wayfinder:

  • Master of Venoms (passive): Upon each successful weapon hit, create poison clouds.
  • Deep Breath (ultimate): Shoots an exploding poison projectile that applies 5 stacks of Empowered Venom.
  • Transfusion: Throws poison needles that lock on to nearby enemies and healing needles that lock on to nearby allies and heal them.
  • Vampiric Blast: Shoots a bomb that absorbs poison clouds while damaging enemies and healing allies based on the number of Poison stacks applied to enemies.
  • Venom Thrusters: Leaves a poison cloud trail behind you.

Best Venomess Weapon in Wayfinder

Best Venomess build in Wayfinder.

The best weapon for Venomess in Wayfinder is her signature weapon, Nightshade. It deals high damage and has the Wyvern’s Fury ability, which makes the weapon fully automatic and causes it to apply poison.

Alternatively, the Longshot can also be considered a viable option for Venomess, if you want a playstyle that focuses less on poison and more on direct damage.

Best Venomess Affinity Perks & Attributes

Best Venomess build in Wayfinder.

In terms of Affinity for Venomess, I recommend investing points in the following way:

  • Instinct: 10
  • Discipline: 15

Your goal is to get both Soothing Vapors and Explosive Vapors from Discipline and Deadly Venom from Instinct. The extra five points on Insinct will allow you to increase ability damage further, which scales well with Nightshade.

As for attributes, prioritize Ability Power, then Max Health, then Magical and Physical Defense, and lastly Resilience.

Ability Power is essential for Venomess as it scales well with poison and Nightshade’s damage.

Venomess Skill Points Guide

Best Venomess build in Wayfinder.

While leveling up Venomess, your goal is to focus on balancing damage and healing. Thus, this is the best Skill points progression guide for Venomess in Wayfinder:

  1. Venom Thrusters 1
  2. Vampiric Blast 1
  3. Transfusion 1
  4. Transfusion 2
  5. Vampiric Blast 2
  6. Vampiric Blast 3
  7. Transfusion 3

One level on Venom Thrusters will increase its overall damage, while three levels on Vampiric Blast and Transfusion will give you the perfect balance between damage and healing.

Wrapping up the Best Venomess Build in Wayfinder

To summarize the best Venomess build guide in Wayfinder, Venomess shines through high poison damage and healing.

With the best weapon, affinity points, attributes, and skill points, she is able to deal phenomenal damage while keeping herself and all allies alive.

What do you think about Venomess? Do you have any other builds to recommend? Feel free to share your suggestions in the comments below.

If you’re looking to try out a different character, check out our Wayfinder class tier list.


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