Shadows of Doubt: SyncDisks Full List (Plus How to Get & Use)

Shadows of Doubt is an immersive sandbox detective stealth game set in a fully simulated sci-fi noir city of crime and corruption. Think like a private investigator and take on jobs to earn cash on your path to catching a serial killer.

SyncDisks are consumables that give permanent upgrades to your characters. In this guide, I will go over the full SyncDisks list, plus how to get and use them, in Shadows of Doubt.

The game aims to solve a variety of cases, and each of them is randomly generated within the open world. Play your way in a fully simulated world with hundreds of citizens.

Discover, meet, and individual tail citizens, each with their name, job, apartment, and daily routine, in unique, procedurally-generated cities. Each case has different culprits, clues, and experiences for you to test your investigative skills.

If you want to know more about what you can do in the game, check out our guide on how to buy an apartment, in Shadows of Doubt.

Shadows of Doubt: General Information about SyncDisks


Let’s go over everything you will need to know about SyncDisks. Why are they so important, and what should you do when you find them?

SyncDisks are consumables in Shadows of Doubt, that give permanent upgrades to your characters. You can have up to eighteen SyncDisks installed, one of each type. You can only select one upgrade tree for each disk.

You can install a second SyncDisk of the same type to choose a different tree, but this will uninstall and remove all upgrades for the previous type.

You can find SyncDisks in high-income safes, and they are also randomly found in the world. SyncDisks are also uncommon rewards for side jobs.

The Sync Clinic staff will randomly sell one SyncDisk, and the Sugar Daddy Sync Disk is unique in that it can be purchased from any Kola machine for ¢r5.

Now that you have a bunch of new SyncDisks take a trip down to the Sync Clinic. You can have them installed there. The Clinics can be found on the map with a DNA icon or in the detective log.

Lastly, now that you have them, and know how to use them, all that is left is knowing how to upgrade them.

To upgrade SyncDisks you need Sync Disk Upgrade Vials. These can be found fairly commonly in businesses and homes. Upgrade Vials can also be purchased from medical vending machines for ¢r1000.

Shadows of Doubt: Complete List of SyncDisks and Upgrades


Now that you need to know everything on how to get, use, and upgrade SyncDisks, in Shadows of Doubt we can over all of them.

Below I will go over a complete list of the 18 different SyncDisks, their side effects if they have any, and their upgrade trees.

1 – Beauty

BeautyAllure (BUGGED – Increased prices instead of lower)Charm
Base EffectGain a 10% discount on purchases (BUGGED – Increased prices instead of lower)Citizens are 10% more likely to share information for free
Upgrade 1Increase discount by 10% (BUGGED – Increased prices instead of lower)Citizens are 10% additionally more likely to share information for free
Upgrade 2Increase discount by 15% (BUGGED – Increased prices instead of lower)Citizens are 15% additionally more likely to share information for free
Upgrade 3Increase discount by 20% (BUGGED – Increased prices instead of lower)Citizens are 20% additionally more likely to share information for free

2 – Constitution

Base EffectYou can no longer get coldIncrease inventory capacity by 1
Upgrade 1You can no longer get stinkyIncrease inventory capacity by 1
Upgrade 2You can no longer get tiredIncrease inventory capacity by 1

3 – Frame

Base Effect15% Taller15% Shorter
Upgrade 1Additional 15% TallerAdditional 15% Shorter
Upgrade 2Additional 15% TallerAdditional 15% Shorter

4 – Physique

Base EffectIncrease maximum health by 20%Increase inventory capacity by 1
Base EffectIncrease health regeneration by 10%Increase inventory capacity by 1

5 – Tenacity

Base EffectPower of punches increased by 20%Increase throwing power by 20%The first attack against you is negated
Upgrade 1Increases power of punches by a further 10%Further, increase throwing power by 10%Taking damage gives you the ‘Focused’ status effect
Upgrade 2Increases power of punches by a further 10%Further increase throwing power by 10%It is no longer possible to get broken bones or become bruised
Upgrade 3Increases the perceived threat of raising your fists in combat by 100%Holding objects in front of you can block 90% of damage from incoming bulletsTake 100% from all sources (Maybe a typo for 10%?)

6 – Vigor

Base EffectBarging doors only takes one attemptRemove all fall damage

7 – Ambassador Scheme

Ambassador SchemeCash FlowCompetitor Data Mining
Base EffectPassive Income of ¢r10 per 2 hoursGain ¢r50 by installing data mining software on crunchers
Upgrade 1Increase passive income by ¢r5Double income from data mining installs on business owners’ workplace crunchers
Upgrade 2Increase passive income by ¢r5Increase money gained by data mining installs by ¢r10
Upgrade 3Increase passive income by ¢r5Increase money gained by datamining installs by a further ¢r10

8 – Spartan Insurance

Spartan InsuranceGold Medical CoverGold Legal CoverGold Accident Cover
Base EffectReduce medical costs from hospital visits by 50%You will not lose any stolen item up to ¢r500 valueNo medical costs and ¢r100 deposit on hospital visits. Once per day
Upgrade 1Hospital care is now freeIncrease stolen item value cover by ¢r500Increased payout gained from accidents by ¢r (no amount given)
Upgrade 2Wake up in your own bed, if availableIncrease stolen item value cover by ¢r9000Increased payout gained from accidents by ¢r{no amount given}

9 – Starch Brand Ambassador

Starch Brand AmbassadorSpread the WordPut Some Life Into It
Base EffectTalk to citizens about Kola, and if they like what you say, get ¢r2Give citizens Starch brand products, get ¢r6
Upgrade 1Increases income by ¢r1Increases income by ¢r2
Upgrade 2Increases income by ¢r1Increases income by ¢r2

10 – Sugar Daddy

Side Effect – Not consuming Starch Kola products results in blurred vision and poor health

Sugar DaddyDown Payment
Base EffectGain ¢r5000, it costs ¢r6000 to remove, reduce cost by ¢r5 for kola consumed, increase by ¢r1 for competitors consumed.
Upgrade 1Reduces uninstall cost by ¢r1000
Upgrade 2Reduces uninstall cost by ¢r1000
Upgrade 3Reduces uninstall cost by ¢r1000

11 – Dove+

Side Effect – Citizens are 25% less likely to share information for free

Dove+Physiological PerceptionSocioeconomic Perception
Base EffectHeight from Photo dataSalary from Photo data
Upgrade 1Age from Photo dataRelationship Status from looking at them
Upgrade 2Shoe size from Photo dataHow much money citizens are carrying from looking at them
Upgrade 3Remove side effectRemove side effect

12 – Cartographer

CartographerUrbex CartographerCrawlspace Engineer
Base EffectReceive ¢r5 for exploring new locationsReceive ¢r10 for exploring ventilation ducts

13 – Community

CommunityCare in the CommunityHeavy Lifter
Base EffectReceive 10% more money for completing side jobsIncrease inventory capacity by 1
Upgrade 1Receive a further 10% more money from side jobsIncrease inventory capacity by 1

14 – Model Citizen

Model CitizenStreet CleanerBookworm
Base EffectEarn ¢r2 for each item of trash disposed of in refuse containersEarn ¢r6 for each unique book read
Upgrade 1Earn an additional ¢r1 for each item of trash disposed of in refuse containersIncrease cash gained by ¢r10
Upgrade 2Earn an additional ¢r1 for each item of trash disposed of in refuse containersGet a cash bonus of ¢r150 for reading all books in a series
Upgrade 3Earn ¢r6 for each unique book readEarn ¢r2 for each item of trash disposed of in refuse containers

15 – Public Service

Public ServiceStreet CleanerBookworm
Base EffectEarn ¢r2 for each item of trash disposed of in refuse containersEarn ¢r6 for each unique book read
Upgrade 1Earn an additional ¢r1 for each item of trash disposed of in refuse containersIncrease cash gained by ¢r10
Upgrade 2Earn an additional ¢r1 for each item of trash disposed of in refuse containersGet a cash bonus of ¢r150 for reading all books in a series
Upgrade 3Earn ¢r6 for each unique book readEarn ¢r2 for each item of trash disposed of in refuse containers

16 – Infiltrator

Base EffectIncrease time citizens are knocked out by 100%Increase time security systems are disabled by breaker switches by 100%
Upgrade 1Increase time citizens are knocked out by a further 50%Increase time security systems are disabled by breaker switches by a further 50%

17 – Interceptor

InterceptorMailing ListSafecracker
Base EffectGain ¢r10 when you tie a citizen’s name and address togetherGain ¢r25 when you find a citizens passcode

18 – Trespasser

Base EffectGain ¢r10 when you tie a citizen’s name and address togetherGain ¢r25 when you find a citizens passcodeLockpicking stance is no longer an illegal action

Final Thoughts

Sync Disks are important consumables that will largely affect how you tackle the challenges of the game. Picking trees will also be a way to personally customize the way your character interacts with the world.

Now that you can go into the game, or even continue your detective work with all the important information in your pocket. Having the full list of SyncDisks plus how to get, and use them, in Shadows of Doubt will certainly help you make a name for yourself.

If you meet a pesky NPC and are unsure of how to deal with them, check out our guide to see if you can kill NPCs in the game, Shadows of Doubt.

With so many different combinations between the skill tree possibilities, most players must have a favorite combination. Let us all know in the comments down below what your favorite combination is, and is there one you would suggest others try?


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