Big Ambitions: How to Get Happiness to 100%

Happiness is one of the main metrics in Big Ambitions, alongside food and rest.

However, the game does little to explain its importance, as well as how to increase it to 100%.

Overall, happiness affects your employees, as well as your ability to enter certain buildings. It can be increased by doing certain leisure activities such as playing in the Casino or watching TV.

In this Big Ambitions guide, I will explain how Happiness works and how to get it to 100% quickly.

Also, if you’re thinking of getting a new car, consider checking out our guide on all the cars in Big Ambitions and the best one to get.

What Does Happiness Do in Big Ambitions – Happiness Explained

Happiness explained in Big Ambitions.
Happiness explained in Big Ambitions.

Happiness is a metric bar that can be seen on the top left of your screen. Specifically, it’s the third bar on the right, symbolized by an emoji.

Happiness has two purposes. First, certain employees will request a peaceful work environment. This means that they will require your happiness to be over 50%. Otherwise, they won’t be satisfied.

This isn’t a mandatory requirement. Instead, it’s similar to the part-time/full-time preference. Employees will still work for you as long as their happiness doesn’t go to zero.

Second, if your happiness reaches 0%, you won’t be able to enter any buildings except your house or car. This will block certain elements of the game, and make your whole experience much harder.

Thus, for both reasons, it’s essential to keep your happiness at least over 50% and ideally at 100%. Let’s see how to do that.

How to Get Happiness to 100% in Big Ambitions

How to get 100% Happiness in Big Ambitions.
How to get 100% Happiness in Big Ambitions.

Thankfully, there are various ways that allow you to increase your happiness and they involve doing leisure activities that the game has to offer.

Here are the best ways to increase happiness to 100% in Big Ambitions:

  1. Buy and place a TV in your apartment.
  2. Buy a yacht and sleep there.
  3. Gamble in the Casino (found in the docks, on Friday 6-10 PM).

Any of those will work, so use the easiest one based on the stage of the game you’re currently in. For instance, during the early game, the TV will be your best option.

Wrapping up

To summarize, this is everything you need to know on how happiness works in Big Ambitions and how to get it to 100%.

Happiness is an important metric that allows you to enter all buildings and keep certain employees satisfied. The easiest way to get it to 100% is by buying a TV in your apartment, while the most fun way is by gambling in the Casino.

Did you get to 0% happiness? Which method did you choose to increase it? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Now that you’ve managed to increase your happiness, let’s focus on money. Check out our guide on the best ways to make money in Big Ambitions and make your business thrive.


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