Octopath Traveler 2: How to Unlock Arcanist 

The Arcanist is one of the four secret jobs in Octopath Traveler 2 and it’s an ideal option for elemental DPS characters.

To unlock it, players will need to unlock Partitio, complete his quest “Scent of Commerce” and find the Arcanist Descendant on The Lost Isle.

In this guide, I will explain exactly how to unlock the Arcanist secondary job in Octopath Traveler 2 and recommend the best characters for this job.

For more secondary job guides, consider checking out how to unlock the Armsmaster, one of the strongest secondary jobs in the game.

How to Unlock the Arcanist Secondary Job in Octopath Traveler 2

The Lost Isle map location in Octopath Traveler 2.
The Lost Isle map location in Octopath Traveler 2.

Players can unlock the Arcanist secondary job in Octopath Traveler 2 by doing the following:

  1. Recruit Partitio – Add him to your party by finding him in Oresrush in the Wildlands.
  2. Complete “Scent of Commerce” – Visit Tropu’hopu (southeast corner of the map, near Ochette’s starting point) and complete Partitio’s “Scent of Commerce” quest. For this quest, you will need to buy the ship. For more details on how to buy the ship and how to get it cheaper, check out our guide on the EXP Augmentor.
  3. Sail to The Lost Isle – With the ship unlocked, set sail and travel to The Lost Isle on the northeast side of the map (recommended level 45).
  4. Defeat the Sourge of the Sea – This is a boss that can be found in the whirlpool between Toto’haha and the Brightlands.
  5. Obtain the license – Arrive at The Lost Isle and find the Arcanist Descendant. Go up the ladder until you find a sign saying “Discover the true path.” From that sign, head straight left and you’ll find the Arcanist Descendant.

Arcanist Job Guide

Head straight left from the sign to discover the true path in Octopath Traveler 2.
Head straight left from the sign to discover the true path in Octopath Traveler 2.

The Arcanist uses the Dagger and Staff weapons and can utilize Light and Dark skills which deal damage and restore HP and SP to allies.

In addition, Arcanists can convert debuffs on allies to buffs and make buffs last for the entire fight.

Another great effect is that they can extend the reach of single-target skills to affect the entire party.

Overall, these effects are extremely useful and it’s essential to have an Arcanist in your party at all times.

Best Characters for the Arcanist Secondary Job in Octopath Traveler 2

Osvald is the best character for the Arcanist job in Octopath Traveler 2.
Osvald is the best character for the Arcanist job in Octopath Traveler 2.

Now that you know the importance of the Arcanist, let’s see the best characters for this job.

Overall, the best character for the Arcanist secondary job is Osvald. It allows him to wield all types of elements (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Light, Dark) and increase the damage and effectiveness of his spells.

Alternatively, it can be used on characters such as Partitio to make his Rest and Sidestep skills affect the entire party. This will make Partitio also work as a healer.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Octopath Traveler 2 guide, players can unlock the Arcanist secondary job by recruiting Partitio, completing his “Scent of Commerce” quest, and using the ship to sail to The Lost Isle.

Then, they’ll unlock the Arcanist license, which I recommend equipping on either an elemental DPS character or a supportive character.

Which character did you equip the Arcanist job to? What’s your favorite secondary job in the game? Let us know in the comments below.

If you decided to use Osvald as your main DPS, consider checking out my in-depth Osvald character guide including all his spells and the best team to use.


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