Star Ocean: The Divine Force How to Recruit JJ

JJ is a mechanized warrior side character in Star Ocean The Divine Force. To unlock JJ, players need to follow a specific storyline in the game.

This character wields a katana and his playstyle focuses on charging his attacks. In addition, his kit features some powerful counter-attacks, that help spice up his gameplay.

However, if you want to unlock JJ, it’s important to choose the appropriate main character when starting the game.

In this guide, I will explain how to recruit JJ in Star Ocean The Divine Force, and which quests you need to complete to unlock him.

How to Unlock JJ in Star Ocean the Divine Force

To unlock JJ, players will need to follow Raymond’s storyline. This means choosing Raymond as your main character.

If you chose Laeticia, then there’s no way to unlock JJ in the story. You will have to restart the game and change the main character.

Before restarting all over, consider checking out our guide on which main character to choose between Raymond and Laeticia and why.

Choose Raymond as your main character and follow his story to unlock JJ.

With Raymond as your main character, you need to reach chapter 4 of his main story to unlock JJ. Specifically, players will need to complete the Parrapoeiam storyline and defeat the main boss there.

After that, complete the following side quests and you’ll recruit JJ to your party.

  • Material Deficit (obtain 16 cylinders)
  • JJ on a Mission (obtain 8 capacitors)
  • Parrapoeiam on the Rebound (obtain 4 scorpium chips)

After completing these quests, you’ll have recruited JJ successfully.

Also, keep in mind that JJ can be unlocked at any point, even if you’re way past Chapter 4 of Raymond’s story or in the post-game. As long as you’ve completed Parrapoeiam, you can talk to JJ at any point and start his 3 side quests.

How to Get Cylinders, Capacitors, and Scorpium Chips

JJ’s character portrait in Star Ocean The Divine Force.

Thankfully, all these materials are extremely easy to find. While they can be dropped by certain enemies, the best way to get them is by buying them.

Specifically, players can buy both cylinders and capacitors at their ship’s store, right after leaving JJ’s home.

However, if you don’t want to spend money, you can also farm for these materials. The best area is the dungeon visited just before recruiting JJ, where you can get all of JJ’s required materials.

The best part is that these materials are found in and around the dungeon and you don’t have to kill any enemies to get them.

In short, all materials can be dropped at the dungeon before JJ, while cylinders and capacitors can also be bought from your ship’s store.


To sum up, that’s everything you need to know on how to unlock JJ in Star Ocean The Divine Force.

Choose Raymond as your main character, complete the Parrapoeiam storyline until the final boss, and then interact with JJ to complete his 3 side quests.

After that, you’ve unlocked him in your party and can use him in combat.

Now that you’ve unlocked JJ, consider checking out our item creation guide on how to optimize your crafting in the game.

What do you think about JJ? Do you prefer him over the other optional character, Theo? Let us know in the comments below.


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