Victoria 3: Best Starting Nations for Perfect Games

Victoria 3 consists of a long list of playable nations, promising a varied experience and endless strategic planning!

Not all nations can be easily managed, though, due to various reasons involving trades, economic situation, relationships, and political issues.

It can be frustrating, especially for newer players, to handle and manage problematic nations right from the beginning.

To help you get an ideal start, I’ll be sharing the best starting nations for perfect games in Victoria 3, which will come with challenging objectives and require proper strategizing, but won’t be too overwhelming!

Best Starting Nations in Victoria 3 for Perfect Games


You must’ve encountered Sweden already in the tutorials at the start of the game, familiarizing you with the game mechanics and features. Well, for the exact same reason, Sweden is also one of the best nations you can start Victoria 3 with.

Sweden in Map Victoria 3

Belonging to the Baltic region in the game, Sweden is situated just near the seas. You’ll already have an ally in the form of Norway from the start of the campaign too!

Since this nation is aimed mainly for beginners, the chances of being invaded right away is quite low and your moves will have relatively lower risks. Trading can be carried out pretty easily due to the location of the nation.

Sweden information Victoria 3

For the same reason, further down the campaign, you can form a strong naval army, giving you the ability to colonize states, if you’re up for it.

Furthermore, Sweden consists of a huge amount of resources too! Starting from coal to lumber, you’ll have access to almost all the necessary goods needed to run the nation properly.

With a population of almost 3 million, reaching economic stability shouldn’t prove to be too difficult. You can make use of the good status and try out Diplomatic Plays, like making Dominion and Annexing puppets.

America (USA)

Moving out of Europe, America (USA) can be a great place to start your Victoria 3 adventures.

America in Map Victoria 3

Filled with exciting events and journals from history, starting with America will intrigue you even more if you’re interested in the past occurrences.

America is a Colonial Country and you’ll easily be to colonize and conquer each state that you come across; you can even go across the real-life border and extend your colonies into various states of Mexico and Canada.

Through events, you’ll be tasked to lead conquests in Mexico and take over the country as well, eventually becoming one of the biggest nations.

mexico in map VIctoria 3

There are no limitations when it comes to resources either; you may start off with iron and coal, but then you can move onto forming power plants and agricultural prospects.

You may have a slight issue with the lack of population in several states, but if you can tweak a few aspects and enact the right laws, migration will rise greatly!

Since America is away from the European wars and is frankly the only great power among the surrounding nations, you’ll get to form allies with other great powers and get your way relatively easily.

Kingdom Of Two Sicilies

The Kingdom of Two Sicilies, from hindsight, may seem like another average nation in Victoria 3. But, the scope of this country is fascinating, especially if you’re interested in trades and turning a nation into a Super Power!

Two Sicilies in Map Victoria 3

In this case, it will be Italy. The Two Sicilies is on the southern side of Italy, in the Mediterranean. The first task you’ll be given when you start out is to form the nation of Italy. Here’s where the fun starts!

You get to carry out various deals in an international level, since you’re surrounded by the seas.

Two Sicilies Information Victoria 3

In addition to that, Italy has excellent resources and a good enough GDP to quickly better the nation and reach conquering capabilities.

Starting with smaller states and nations, you can expand your territory and with the help of a strong naval army, you can dominate the world!

You do need to invest some time onto this nation, though, because you don’t directly start managing Italy. But, starting with the Kingdom of two Sicilies and then moving on to become a great power with Italy is absolutely worth it!


Similar to Sweden, Belgium is another nation in Victoria that comes with relatively low maintenance and is beginner-friendly.

Belgium doesn’t deal with colonies at the start. That’s why, playing this nation as a starter is ideal since it’ll warm you up for big issues that may come up later on.

Your primary tasks will involve turning Belgium into a strong country in Europe, with a stable economy and a powerful army. Use your resources wisely and efficiently to get the best outcomes and reach Belgium’s maximum potential.

Once you’re satisfied with how the nation has grown, you can lead conquests in the smaller, broken states of Germany or expand your territory through colonies in Africa.

Belgium has good relations with the Great Britain from the start; maintain this relationship as you progress further, since this will increase your power and ability to take riskier decisions.

Furthermore, any invasion or attacks from other nations can be dealt with ease if you have a strong ally by your side.


Also known as Japanese Shogunate in Victoria 3, Japan can be the perfect starting nation in Asia.

Japanese Shogunate Victoria 3

The progress in Japan happens in a relaxed pace, not too fast or too slow. Adding to the fact that Japan is separated from most other nations by the sea, you can grow the nation without having to worry about external invasion.

Japan information Victoria 3

The huge amount of resources in this nation along with the large population makes it even better for Victoria 3 newcomers.

You’ll hardly struggle to develop the nation and can easily set up large industries for various purposes.

Similar to the USA, you’ll find various events and journals with challenging objectives, such as getting of the Shogunate, which is known to hinder the advancements of Japan.

After that, you can move to expand Japan’s range of power by increasing trades and conquering smaller islands with the help of a strong Navy.

Wrapping Up

Starting your Victoria 3 adventure with the right nation is important in order to enjoy the game and understand how it works at first.

The countries mentioned above are the best starting nations that will help you achieve perfect games in Victoria 3.

At the same time, these will help you clear your hands on the various strategical mechanics of the game and the endless features that it possesses.

After that, you can move on to more complicated nations and take a harder challenge in managing those. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to rule the world in the Victorian Age!

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