Core Keeper: How to Defeat Ghorm the Devourer

Ghorm is the second boss in Core Keeper, right after Glurch and before the Hive Mother.

While it’s easy to find Ghorm, since he’s circling around the map in a specific path, it can be tricky to make him stop.

In this guide, I will explain how to locate Ghorm the Devourer in Core Keeper, how to defeat him, and provide some useful tips to make this fight easier.

Where to Find Ghorm the Devourer

Ghorm is the easiest boss to locate in Core Keeper. Simply start at the core and dig straight in any direction. After a few minutes, you’ll find a huge tunnel filled with slime on the floor.

Ghorm’s tunnel is this orange line on the map.

This is Ghorm’s tunnel, which is a huge circle around the starting location. Wait there for a few minutes and you’ll see Ghorm passing by.

How to Defeat Ghorm the Devourer

Ghorm keeps running around his tunnel and doesn’t stop even if he’s attacked. This fight is split into two phases.

Ghorm has a total of 3,660 health and Phase 2 begins when he reaches exactly half HP.

Ghorm Phase 1

During the first phase, Ghorm will keep running around the circle and thus away from the player. This lasts until his health pool reaches half, where he starts chasing the player and phase 2 begins.

The tricky part is to manage and deal damage equal to half his health while Ghorm is running away. The solution is spike traps. Craft as many spike traps as possible (at least 72) and set them up in Ghorm’s path while waiting for him to cross.

Set up spike traps in Ghorm’s path to quickly get him below half hp.

When Ghorm passes by, he will activate all the traps and take damage equal to at least half his health, which will initiate phase 2.

Ghorm Phase 2

In Phase 2, Ghorm locks on to the player and tries to chase them. Due to his fairly large size, it’s not easy for Ghorm to turn around quickly. Stay close to him and keep dodging while attacking him until he reaches 0 health.

This can be a tricky strategy since Ghorm can be extremely lethal if he hits you. To make it easier, consider using more spike traps on Phase 1 to get his health way below half.

Also, you can use bombs while Ghorm is chasing you to get some damage through easily.

Ghorm Rewards

Fighting Ghorm in Phase 2 in Core Keeper.

When defeated, Ghorm drops various useful items. Specifically, he always drops the following items.

  • Ghorm’s Horn (used to power statue at the core)
  • Ghorm’s Stomach Bag (equip for extra inventory slots)
  • 20 Larva Meat
  • Mysterious Idol (unlocks Caveling merchant)

In addition, Ghorm will also drop randomly 4-6 items from the following list.

  • Ancient Gemstone – 57.03%
  • Fiber – 68.55%
  • Flintlock Musket – 5.12%
  • Ghorm Figurine – 2.59%
  • Golden Larva Meat – 23.5%
  • Gold Ore – 42.25%
  • Iron Ore – 68.55%
  • Larva Chest – 10.03%
  • Larva Ring – 23.5%
  • Mechanical Part 57.03%
  • Tin Axe – 10.03%

These are fairly common items but some that stand out include the flintlock musket and the larva chest and ring.

The flintlock musket is an amazing ranged weapon for the early game, while the larva set makes players immune to being slowed by slime on the ground.


To sum up, this concludes our guide on how to defeat Ghorm the Devourer in Core Keeper.

Prepare yourself with as many traps as possible for Phase 1 and then stay close to him and keep attacking for Phase 2.

If you enjoyed reading this article, make sure to check out our guide on how to fish in Core Keeper. This way, you’ll have some quality meals ready before the fight to ensure you’ll survive Ghorm’s attacks.

What do you think about Ghorm’s boss fight? How many traps did you use to defeat him? Let us know in the comments below.


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