Coral Island: How to Upgrade Tools

Upgrading tools is a key part of progressing in Coral Island. Upgrades will help players cut trees faster, mine rocks with fewer swings, and be more efficient with their farming.

To upgrade their tools, players will need a lot of coins. If you don’t have enough to spare, consider checking our guide on how to make money fast in Coral Island.

In this guide, I will explain how to upgrade all tools in Coral Island, including the pickaxe, axe, watering can, and hoe.

How to Upgrade Basic Tools

To upgrade the main tools in Coral Island, players will need to visit the Sanchez Brothers Blacksmith. Specifically, four tools can be upgraded via the blacksmith: the axe, pickaxe, hoe, and watering can.

Upgrade tools via the blacksmith in Coral Island.

Here are all the upgrades available for each of them and their cost.

How to Upgrade Axe

Upgrading the axe allows players to chop trees in fewer hits, while also being able to break hardwood logs.

  • Bronze Axe – 2.000 coins, 5 Bronze Bars, 20 Wood
  • Silver Axe – 5.000 coins, 5 Silver Bars, 20 Wood
  • Gold Axe – 10.000 coins, 3 Gold Bars, 5 Hardwood
  • Osmium Axe – 15.000 coins, 3 Osmium Bars, 5 Hardwood

How to Upgrade Hoe

Upgrading the hoe allows players to tile multiple tiles at once.

  • Bronze Hoe – 2.000 coins, 5 Bronze Bars, 20 Wood
  • Silver Hoe – 5.000 coins, 5 Silver Bars, 20 Wood
  • Gold Hoe – 10.000 coins, 3 Gold Bars, 5 Hardwood
  • Osmium Hoe – 15.000 coins, 3 Osmium Bars, 5 Hardwood

How to Upgrade Pickaxe

Upgrading the pickaxe allows players to break bigger rocks, while also being able to break smaller rocks and ores in fewer swings.

  • Bronze Pickaxe – 2.000 coins, 5 Bronze Bars, 20 Wood
  • Silver Pickaxe – 5.000 coins, 5 Silver Bars, 20 Wood
  • Gold Pickaxe – 10.000 coins, 3 Gold Bars, 5 Hardwood
  • Osmium Pickaxe – 15.000 coins, 5 Osmium Bars, 5 Hardwood

How to Upgrade Watering Can

Upgrading the watering can increases the area that can be watered with one swing.

  • Bronze Watering Can – 2.000 coins, 5 Bronze Bars
  • Silver Watering Can – 5.000 coins, 5 Silver Bars
  • Gold Watering Can – 10.000 coins, 3 Gold Bars, 3 Resin
  • Osmium Watering Can – 15.000 coins, 3 Osmium Bars, 5 Resin

Also, keep in mind that each tool takes a few days to upgrade. So, if you plan to go mining the next day, don’t start upgrading your pickaxe.

How to Upgrade Scythe

Use the scythe to clear trash underwater in Coral Island.

The scythe is an essential tool for getting fiber and hay to feed animals, as well as for ocean exploration. However, at the moment, the scythe cannot be upgraded.

Players will have to continue their diving exploration with the default quality scythe. In the future, we can expect some scythe upgrades, especially when deeper ocean levels become available.

How to Upgrade Fishing Rod and Bug Net

The fishing rod and the bug net can only be upgraded once in Coral Island and the process is different compared to the previous tools.

The only upgrade over the basic fishing pole is the improved fishing pole.

The improved fishing pole can be acquired by buying it from the Beach Shack at the price of 3.700 coins. Similarly, the improved bug net is an upgrade over the basic one and also costs 3.700 coins.


In short, this is how to upgrade tools in Coral Island. For the basic tools, players need to interact with the blacksmith, while the bug net and fishing rod can be purchased from the beach shack.

Lastly, the scythe cannot be upgraded at all yet.

Also, a great way to get money to upgrade all of your tools is by farming the most profitable crops for each season. Consider checking out our guide on the best fall crops in Coral Island.

What do you think about the tool upgrade system? Do you think the scythe should be upgradeable right now? Let us know in the comments below.


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