Yet Another Zombie Survivors: Best Huntress Build

The Huntress is an unlockable character in Yet Another Zombie Survivors that specializes in high single-target damage while also including some solid AoE moves.

Focus on upgrading your weapon to the Multishot Bow and then split your points equally on all of her abilities.

In this guide, I will showcase the best Huntress build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors focused on her best abilities to level up, the best weapon to choose, and the best teammates for this character.

For a more general overview of characters, check out our character tier list in YAZS.

Huntress Abilities Explained in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Best Huntress Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Huntress Abilities.

The Huntress has three abilities in YAZS:

  • Eagle Eye – Increase Critical Hit Chance by 4% (+4% for each level, up to 20%).
  • Arrow Rain – Deal AoE damage (leveling up increases damage, range, and cooldown).
  • Zombie Decoy – Summon a decoy that attracts enemies, shoots grenades, and explodes (leveling up reduces cooldown and increases grenades and damage).

Overall, all three of the Huntress’ abilities are useful and you should max out each of them. However, Eagle Eye is more useful in the later stages of the game, so you should prioritize the other two first.

Both Zombie Decoy and Arrow Rain will help you clear multiple zombies early on. Keep in mind that you’ll also need to upgrade your weapon quickly to get the Multishot upgrade so make sure to split your points evenly between weapon and abilities.

Best Huntress Weapon

Best Huntress Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Huntress Weapon.

The Huntress has four weapon options in Yet Another Zombie Survivors:

  • Bow – Standard Bow that features long range and high damage.
  • Multishot Bow – Same as the standard bow but shoots multiple arrows per shot.
  • Explosive Arrows Bow – Shoots multiple arrows per shot that explode a few seconds after hitting an enemy.
  • Freezing Arrows Bow – Shoots multiple arrows per shot that freeze and slow enemies on impact.

The best weapon for the Huntress is the Multishot Bow, as it deals high damage, has a long range, and can hit multiple enemies at the same time.

While the Explosive Arrows upgrade sounds good, it takes way too long until the arrows explode and there are better alternatives if you want AoE explosive damage such as the Tank’s Rocket Launcher.

Freezing Arrows is useful but the damage is low and the slow isn’t enough to justify spending upgrade points.

Therefore, I recommend maxing out the Multishot Bow and then skipping the other upgrades or banishing them.

Best Huntress Team in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Best Huntress Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Huntress Team.

The best Huntress team in Yet Another Zombie Survivors involves pairing the Huntress with the Ghost and the Tank.

The Ghost’s Protocol: Critical ability combined with the Huntress’ Eagle Eye will allow you to reach a 70% critical hit chance, which is then further increased with items.

Also, pick the Thousand Cuts Katana for the Ghost to have close-range AoE damage and prevent zombies from getting too close.

As for the Tank, get the Bombing Strike ability and the Rocket Launcher weapon to maximize your AoE damage and take down hordes and bosses before they get the chance to come close to you.

Wrapping up the Best Huntress Build

In conclusion, the best Huntress build in Yet Another Another Zombie Survivors focuses on high, single target, and AoE damage while also being able to attack from afar.

All of her abilities are useful and especially the Zombie Decoy, which will help you level up quickly when starting a run.

What do you think about the Huntress and her Tier 3 weapons? Do you have any other builds to recommend? Don’t hesitate to share your favorite builds and team guides in the comments below.

If your run didn’t go as well as you’d hope, consider checking out our guide on the best upgrades in Yet Another Zombie Survivors and prioritize upgrading those.


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