Yet Another Zombie Survivors: Best Ghost Build

The Ghost is one of the six playable characters in Yet Another Zombie Survivors and the only one that utilizes melee damage and high dodge chance.

Overall, the best Ghost build focuses on maxing the Shuriken, building Critical Hit Damage, and pairing him with some of the strongest characters in the game like the SWAT.

In this guide, I will showcase the best Ghost build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors focused on his best abilities to level up, the best weapon to choose, and the best teammates for this character.

For a more general overview of characters, check out our character tier list in YAZS.

Ghost Abilities Guide in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Best Ghost Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Ghost Abilities.

The Ghost has three abilities in YAZS:

  • Shuriken – Throw multiple Shuriken in front of you that pierce through enemies.
  • Protocol: Critical – 50% Critical Chance Increase for 5s (30s CD)
  • Kunai Dance – Throw multiple Kunai around you to deal damage.

Overall, the Ghost has some solid ranged abilities that make up for the fact that his weapon is melee only until Tier 3.

The best ability to upgrade early is the Shuriken, which should be upgraded and maxed out before the Katana as it will let you clear enemies much faster.

Just make sure to level up the Katana once or twice so that you’ll be killing zombies in one hit.

Protocol: Critical is useful but only in the later stages of the game so only add one point there. Same with Kunai Dance since, while it throws 10 Kunai, they all have extremely small hitboxes and won’t clear as many enemies as the Shurikens.

Best Ghost Weapons

Best Ghost Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Ghost Weapons.

The Ghost has four weapons available in YAZS:

  • Katana – Basic melee Katana with high damage.
  • Splash Katana – Same as basic Katana but deals melee splash damage.
  • Thousand Cuts Katana – AoE Katana that damages all enemies around you in close range.
  • Windcutter Katana – Ranged Katana that damages all enemies in front of you in medium range.

The best Ghost weapon in Yet Another Zombie Survivors is the Thousand Cuts Katana. With enough Fire Rate, this weapon will be constantly one-shotting any zombies that come near you while also dealing high damage on bosses.

The Windcutter Katana has an extremely low Fire Rate and the slightly higher damage and longer range compared to the Thousand Cuts Katana is not worth it.

Lastly, the Katana and Splash Katana are useful but only in the early game so you should upgrade them right after maxing the Shuriken.

Best Ghost Team in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Best Ghost Build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Best Ghost Team.

The best Ghost team in Yet Another Zombie Survivors involves using the Ghost, the SWAT, and the Huntress.

The Ghost’s Protocol: Critical ability, combined with the Huntress’ Eagle Eye will grant you 70% Critical Hit Chance whenever Protocol: Critical is active.

Combined with some Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage upgrades, you’ll be able to deal substantial damage.

The SWAT should use the Assault Rifle and upgrade the Deployable Turret ability as their extremely high fire rate combined with the Critical stats from before will help deal amazing damage.

Wrapping up the Best Ghost Build

To summarize everything you need to know about the best Ghost build in Yet Another Zombie Survivors, focus on upgrading your Shuriken ability, take Critical Hit Damage, Weapon Damage, and Dodge as stats, and utilize teammates such as the SWAT and the Huntress.

While not the strongest character in the game, with the right build the Ghost can clear Hardcore mode and last more than 30 minutes in Endless Mode.

What do you think about the Ghost? Does he need any buffs? Feel free to share your suggestions in the comments below.

Also, if you’re just starting in the game, check out our guide on the best upgrades to get in Yet Another Zombie Survivors.


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