Tiny Rogues: How to Unlock ALL Characters

Are you looking to unlock all characters and classes in Tiny Rogues? Let’s go through each one in turn to help you get the one you want.

In total, there are 34 classes in the game, and each one has different unlock requirements. Thankfully, most are fairly straightforward and easy.

Let’s go through each class in turn.

All Characters/Classes in Tiny Rogues and How to Unlock Them

How to unlock all characters in Tiny Rogues.

Let’s go through all 34 characters in Tiny Rogues alphabetically.

ClassHow to Unlock
AlchemistAscend to the celestial throne while playing as a Wizard
BanditSpend 750 gold total
BarbarianAscend to the infernal throne while playing as a Warrior
BardVisit the tavern 10 times
ChaosAscend to the primordial throne while playing as a Doppelganger
ClericProgress past floor 2
CyborgDefeat the Guardian of the High Heavens while playing as the Gunslinger
DancerDefeat the Guardian of the High Heavens while playing as the Mystic
Demon HunterAscend to the infernal throne while playing as a Ranger
DeprivedDefeat Death while having five or more curses.

As you can see, some are easier to defeat than others. However, all have fairly similar requirements, so you’ll be able to get the one you want without much trouble.

How to unlock all characters in Tiny Rogues.
DoppelgangerDefeat Death with 10 different characters
DragoonDefeat the Guardian of the Burning Hells while playing as the Soldier
DruidAscend to the celestial throne while playing as a Pyromancer
EsperAscend to the primordial throne while playing as a Deprived
GunslingerUpgrade a cannon/gun to level 4 without help from equipment items
JesterAscend to the infernal throne while playing as a Bard
KnightProgress past floor 1
MonkAscend to the celestial throne while playing as a Cleric
MysticEquip four Charms at the same time
NecromancerDefeat the Guardian of the Shadow Planes while playing as the Sorcerer

Thankfully, the list doesn’t end here. Let’s keep going!

How to unlock all characters in Tiny Rogues.
NinjaAscend to the infernal throne while playing as a Thief
PaladinAscend to the celestial throne while playing as a Knight
PirateDefeat the Guardian of the Burning Hells while playing as the Bandit
PyromancerProgress past floor 7
RangerProgress past floor 1
SamuraiAscend to the primordial throne while playing as a Wanderer
SoldierUpgrade a polearm/spear to level 4 without help from equipment items
SorcererProgress past floor 1
Super HeroAscend to the celestial throne while playing as a Hero
The HeroUnlocked by default
ThiefUse a key 50 times
WandererDefeat Death for the first time
WarriorProgress past floor 3
WizardHave 40 intelligence or more
And those are all the characters.

Wrapping up

To wrap this up, these are all the classes in Tiny Rogues and everything you need to know on how to unlock them.

Which class do you want to unlock first? What’s your favorite class overall? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

For more similar content, here’s how to upgrade the Broken Hero Sword and defeat Mega Death in Tiny Rogues.


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