Tiny Rogues: How to Defeat Mega Death

Are you trying to find and defeat Mega Death in Tiny Rogues? Here’s everything you need to know about one of the game’s hardest bosses.

Overall, the best way to defeat Mega Death is by memorizing his laser attack patterns, using the best build, and mastering the fight’s mechanics.

Let’s go through everything in detail, including how to find Mega Death consistently.

How to Find Mega Death

How to defeat Mega Death in Tiny Rogues.

Mega Death is a boss that replaces Death. To encounter Mega Death, enter the blue portal at the top of the arena on floors 3, 6, and 9, and defeat the boss there. Once you do that on all three floors, Mega Death will spawn.

Keep in mind that Mega Death will be significantly harder to defeat compared to Death. Thankfully, this guide also includes some tips to help you take it down.

How to Defeat Mega Death in Tiny Rogues

How to defeat Mega Death in Tiny Rogues.

Since Mega Death is one of the hardest bosses in Tiny Rogues, let’s go through the best tips on how to defeat it.

  1. Learn his laser patterns – Mega Death has multiple laser attacks; on one, you’ll need to go to the opposite side of the map; on the second one, you must run around in circles; and the last one requires precision dodging
  2. Upgrade your damage – Aim for at least 2k damage per attack
  3. Time is not on your side – Dodging all his attacks forever is impossible, so you’ll need to focus on defeating him with the first 2-3 minutes
  4. Bring your strongest build – While builds are mostly personal preference, for this fight, I recommend using the Phantasm Bow with the Retrigger Passive or going for a Sorcerer’s Soul Heart build.
  5. Dodge is your best friend – Focus on dodging his attacks as much as possible

With these tips, you’ll be able to take down Mega Death in no time. How long did it take you?

Wrapping up

To sum up, you can find Mega Death in Tiny Rogues after defeating three bosses in the blue portals on floors 3, 6, and 9.

Once all three are defeated, Mega Death will spawn. Memorize the boss’ attack patterns and min-max your build to ensure you’ll be able to defeat it easily. High fire rate, damage, and movement speed are great assets.

How many tries did it take you to defeat this boss? What’s your record time and which build did you use? Feel free to share your go-to loadout and tips for this fight in the comments below.

If you’re looking to try a new game, here’s our list of the best beginner tips in theHunter Call of the Wild as well as our Esco Bar stealth guide in One-armed Robber.


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