Terra Nil: How to Create Coral Reefs

While attempting to restore the Wasteland map in Terra Nil, players will be tasked with creating various biomes, including Coral Reefs.

To create Coral Reefs, you’ll need to make ideal temperature conditions, place a Coral Lab on an Irrigator, and then place and connect Monorail Nodes to the ocean.

In this guide, I will explain how to create Coral Reefs in Terra Nil to help you fully restore the Wasteland biome.

If you’re on the Abandoned Quarry map, check out our guide on how to get trees by using the Dehumidifier.

How to Create Coral Reefs in Terra Nil

Check ideal temperature conditions in the Coral Lab building first.
Check ideal temperature conditions in the Coral Lab building first.

After completing the first step and restoring most of the pollution in the Wasteland map, you’ll be called to create biome diversity. Specifically, you’ll need to create four biomes: Beach, Mangrove, Tropical Forest, and Coral Reef.

While the first three are fairly easy, making Coral Reefs can be challenging. To create Coral Reefs in Terra Nil, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the Coral Lab building to see the ideal temperature conditions.
  2. Place Combustors around the map to make the temperature reach the ideal part on the meter – you can aim for good conditions instead if you don’t want to min-max this).
  3. Place a Coral Lab on an Irrigator that’s near a water source – all water counts as Ocean in this map, which means you can place Coral Reefs anywhere there’s water.
  4. Place a Monorail Node next to the Coral Lab, and connect it with a second node near the water source you want to turn into a Coral Reef.

And that’s all. At the location of the last Monorail Node, you’ll create a Coral Reef biome. Repeat this enough times to reach the percentage required for Coral Reefs.

How to Purify Oceans in Terra Nil

How to purify the Ocean and place Coral Reefs in Terra Nil.
How to purify the Ocean and place Coral Reefs in Terra Nil.

Before being able to turn Oceans into Corral Reefs, you’ll first need to purify the water. While most water sources can be purified easily, some will be too far from land and you won’t be able to place a Wind Turbine close enough.

In these cases, place a Sandbank in the middle of the Ocean to create land and place Toxin Scrubbers there. Just ensure that the Toxin Scrubber placed there will be in the range of a Wind Turbine.

This way, you’ll be able to cleanse the toxins from all the Oceans on the Wasteland map easily.

Wrapping up

To summarize, players can create Corral Reefs in Terra Nil by clearing toxins from the ocean, raising the temperature to the ideal level indicated by the Coral Lab building, placing Coral Labs on Irrigators, and connecting them to the Ocean via Monorail Nodes.

This can be done on outer Oceans and lakes in the middle of the map, so there’s more than enough water to create the biome diversity needed.

Did you manage to reach the Coral Reef percentage needed easily? Are you struggling with any other biomes? Let us know in the comments below.

If you want to try out a different map, check out how to find all animals in the Abandoned Quarry.


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