Sun Haven: Xyla Guide: Gifts She Loves

Xyla is one of the 15 romanceable characters in Sun Haven that players can gift, date, and eventually marry if they want to.

However, to end up dating and marrying Xyla, players will need to give her some of the gifts she loves. This way, they can increase her relationship level.

In this guide, I will list Xyla’s favorite gifts in Sun Haven, including the gifts she loves and likes. Additionally, I will mention where to find Xyla to give her the gifts you’ve got.

If you’re not sure how relationship levels work, consider first checking out our guide on how to date NPCs and get married in Sun Haven.

Gifts Xyla Loves in Sun Haven

How to date Xyla in Sun Haven.
How to date Xyla in Sun Haven.

Each gift in this category will increase Xyla’s friendship level by one heart.

GiftMaterials NeededHow to Get
Red Rose Bouquet1x Red Rose, 75 ManaFarmer’s Table
Blue Rose Bouquet1x Blue Rose, 75 ManaFarmer’s Table
Snappy PlantFarming
Heavy CrossbowSold by Rel’Tar
CrownStarting item – Royalty in Your Last Life Profession
Withercake2x Cake Mix, 3x Sugar, 3x SilkOven
Red Velvet Cake1x Cake Mix, 4x Chocolate, 1x ButterOven
GlobfishFishing in Withergate
PurrmaidFishing in Withergate City, Withergate Forest, and Midnight Isle

Gifts Xyla Likes in Sun Haven

Each gift in this category will increase Xyla’s friendship level by half a heart.

GiftMaterials NeededHow to Get
Refined ConcreteMonster Recycler
Refined GlassMonster Recycler
Refined PlasticMonster Recycler
Chess Board
Red Velvet Cupcake1x Cupcake Mix, 2x Chocolate, 1x ButterOven
Moon FruitFarming

Where to Find Xyla – Xyla’s Schedule

Where to find Xyla in Sun Haven.
Where to find Xyla in Sun Haven.

Thankfully, Xyla has only one schedule and she always sticks to it regardless of weather, birthdays, or other unique events.

  • 7 AM – At home.
  • 8 AM – Leaves home.
  • 8:30 AM – On the path south of her home.
  • 11 AM – Carnival Area.
  • 7 PM – Leaves Carnival Area and heads home.
  • 8 PM – Stands outside of her house.
  • 11 PM – Enters her home and goes to sleep.

Gifts Xyla Gives to the Player – Keepsakes

Xyla's Queen Chess Piece, one of her Keepsakes in Sun Haven.
Xyla’s Queen Chess Piece, one of her Keepsakes in Sun Haven.

There are four keepsakes that Xyla gives to the player while increasing her friendship level. Here are all of them:

  1. Xyla’s Queen Chess Piece
  2. Xyla Record
  3. 100x Tickets
  4. Ferris Wheel Miniature Model

Wrapping up

To summarize this Sun Haven gift guide, this is everything you need to know about Xyla and the gifts she loves and likes.

Depending on the stage of the game you’re currently in, find the easiest gift from the tab she loves and check her schedule to see where you can find her.

Which gift did you decide to gift Xyla? Are you planning to marry her, or do you have another character in mind? Let us know in the comments below.

Also, for a broader view of the favorite gifts of all characters, check out our Sun Haven gifts guide.


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