Sun Haven: How to Untill Land

If you misclicked with the hoe and ended up with an ugly or simply uneven plot of tilled land, you’re probably left wondering how to fix it.

To untill land in Sun Haven, players will need to equip the Hoe tool and use RMB (right mouse button) while aiming at the tilled land.

In this guide, I will explain how to untill land in Sun Haven, what happens to seeds when you untill soil

If you’re focusing on farming, don’t forget to also check out our guide on the best crops for each season to make sure you’re making as much Gold as possible.

How to Untill Land in Sun Haven

Use RMB with a hoe to untill land in Sun Haven.
Use RMB with a hoe to untill land in Sun Haven.

Untilling land is straightforward in Sun Haven and it only requires having a Hoe tool in your toolbar.

Equip the Hoe, aim at the tilled land, and use RMB (right mouse button) to untill it. And that’s all!

The reason players are confused by this is that RMB is useless until late in the game for certain weapon skills.

Keep in mind that using a Pickaxe or Shovel, or even placing a path on top won’t solve the issue. Additionally, the land won’t untill on its own and grass won’t grow back unless you use the Hoe.

How to Till Soil Faster in Sun Haven

Use the Earthquake spell to till soil faster in Sun Haven.
Use the Earthquake spell to till soil faster in Sun Haven.

Now that you’ve removed the few clunky tiles in your land, you’re ready to set up the perfect farm. Thankfully, there are ways to till soil faster in Sun Haven to make the overall process easier.

First, players can upgrade their hoes. Getting your hoe all the way up to Sunite makes the tilling process significantly faster and will help you make your ideal farming land quickly.

For an easier but less flexible setup, the Earthquake spell will till a 5×5 land surrounding you.

Keep in mind that this method will remove any paths on the way, so be careful about where you’re standing before using it.

Wrapping up

To summarize, that’s everything you need to know on how to untill land in Sun Haven. Simply equip a hoe and use RMB while aiming at the tilled land to untill it.

Then, use an upgraded hoe or the Earthquake spell to till the land faster and make the most efficient farming setup.

Why did you need to untill land? Did you misclick, or did you decide to completely move your farm someplace else? Let us know in the comments below.

With your farm now ready, consider also checking out our guide on how to feed animals. Animal husbandry can be extremely profitable if done right in Sun Haven.


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