Star Trek: Infinite – Best Starting Faction

Are you looking for the best starting faction in Star Trek: Infinite? Let’s go through all of them and showcase which one stands out.

With four factions to choose from, the best one depends on your playstyle and whether you want to focus on science, espionage, or war. Overall, the Cardassian Union comes out on top as their traits are simply too good to ignore.

In this guide, I will list all factions in Star Trek Infinite and explain their traits to help you decide on the overall best one.

If you’re facing performance issues, before moving on make sure to check out our guide on how to fix crashes and freezes in Star Trek Infinite.

All Star Trek Infinite Starting Factions

Best starting faction in Star Trek Infinite.

There are four starting factions in Star Trek: Infinite and here are all of them:

  • United Federation of Planets
  • Klingon Empire
  • Romulan Star Empire
  • Cardassian Union

Each faction rewards a different playstyle and thus it’s important to know what they offer exactly before making a decision. Thus, let’s examine each faction in turn.

United Federation of Planets

Best starting faction in Star Trek Infinite.

The United Federation of Planets aims to avoid wars and maintain peace while focusing on increased scientific production. Here are its traits:

  • High Education: Allows for an extra recruitable scientist and grants a 15% pop growth from immigration.
  • Diplomatic Expertise: Increase opinion and first contact protocols by 30%. Also, Envoys improve relations with Minor Powers by +2.

Klingon Empire

The Klingon Empire focuses on increasing Unity and continuously going to war while also maintaining their honor at all costs. Here are its traits:

  • Followers of Kahless: Increases Unity produced by Leaders by 1 and by Imperial Guardians by 0.5. Also, grants a 20% increase in Army Damage.
  • Warrior’s Honor: Grants 10% increased ship evasion and ship tracking while reducing ship build cost by 10%.

Romulan Star Empire

Best starting faction in Star Trek Infinite.

Romulan Star Empire prioritizes espionage and aims to outsmart its enemies by always being one step ahead of them. Here are its traits:

  • Closet Politics: Allows for one additional Edict and grants 0.25 monthly influence.
  • State Vigilance: Grants a 15% pop chance of appearing aligned with the Empire Principle.

Cardassian Union

Last but not least, the Cardassian Union hungers for war and conquest. With increased overall damage, this faction never seeks peace. Here are its traits:

  • Raider Corps: Increases damage of all ship classes. Hideki by 20%, Galor by 15%, Keldon by 10%, and Kazikai by 5%. Also grants 5 Ship Tracking.
  • Intelligence Zeal: Increase spell effectiveness and spy mission bonus by 1, while also having a small chance of permanently sending slave pops to detention centers monthly.

Best Starting Faction in Star Trek: Infinite

Best starting faction in Star Trek Infinite.

While it’s mostly a matter of personal preference, playstyle, and where you stand in the Star Trek lore overall, the best faction in Star Trek: Infinite is considered the Cardassian Union.

The Raider Corps trait is simply too good to ignore and will allow you to thrive if you’re a fan of war.

However, if you want a more peaceful option, the second-best faction is the United Federation of Planets since it prioritizes science over anything else.

Also, now that you’re ready to get started with your playthrough, check out our silent alarm guide as it’s a notification that you’ll get often but the game doesn’t explain it at all.

Wrapping up

To summarize, the best starting faction in Star Trek Infinite is the Cardassian Union as they gain a significant damage increase to ships from the Raider Corps trait.

However, if you’re not a fan of all-out war, you’ll have more fun with the United Federations of Planets for a peaceful campaign or the Romulan Star Empire for an espionage-focused playthrough.

Which faction did you decide to start with and why? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Before leaving, if you want to spice up your gameplay, check out our Star Trek Infinite console commands and cheats list.


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