Roblox Arcane Odyssey: How to Get a Crew / Deckhands

Roblox Arcane Odessey combines the joy of spellcasting, weapon fighting, and exploring the seas to create a unique adventure. You start as shipwrecked as a nobody and aim to become a famous captain.

To become a famous captain, you will need a crew that will help you get there, but how are you supposed to increase your ranks? In this guide, I will go over how to get a crew, a quartermaster, and deckhands.

They won’t come easy though. Some of them will need you to play them, others have level requirements, completing quests, or even for the player to have a high enough renown.

With so many different requirements you may find yourself unsure of what to do, but don’t worry I have your back. These NPCs can be found all over the map, so be sure to keep an eye out for the ones you want.

If you are interested in more Roblox Arcane Odyssey content, check out our tier list on the best magic in the game.

How to Get a Crew in Arcane Odyssey


Your crew will be filled with NPCs you can hire aboard certain ships. When they are onboard your ship, they will give you certain boosts, and help out with activities.

They also have random dialogue that pops up randomly, or during events. I will show you a list of the crewmates you can have aboard your ship, and if they have any requirements.

CrewStat BoostLocationCost/Fame
Redwake Warriors/Ulf5% StabilityRedwake, Up the ramp near the Armory200 Galleons
Sailors10% Resilience
300 Ram Defense
Sailor’s Lodge350 Galleons
Level 60 required
Ravenna Deserters5% Resilience
300 Durability
Ravenna is found on the small island slightly off the southeast shore of the main island.200 Galleons

This is all the information on how to get a crew in Roblox Arcane Odyssey.

How to Get a Quartermaster


Quartermasters are NPCs you can hire, which will affect the stats of your ship. They also have dialogue, which often represents your ship’s actions, such as taking the wheel or toggling sails.

Some Co-Captains can also sell items, such as fishing supplies. They will only talk to their captains and give orders to any Crew NPCs you may have aboard your ship.

QuartermasterStat BoostLevel RequirementsUnlock Condition
EnizorNone (Portable Enchanter)30Can be found at Frostmill Island, in a wizard’s tower before being available as quartermaster. Complete the quest Enizor’s Research.
Edward Kenton200 Durability15Found at elm Elm Island. Complete the quest Helping the Deserter.
Edward Kenton, the Exiled Captain300 Durability
5% Stability
5% Resilience
Complete The Exiled Captain questline. Have Edward Kenton as quartermaster.

This is all the information you will need on how to get a Quartermaster in Roblox Arcane Odyssey.

How to Get Deckhands


Traveler NPCs can be found in any town, and they will show what stats they will offer as a Deckhand when recruited.

The Renown requirement works with either Bounty or Fame. Each tier provides a multiplier on the ship stat they give.

Their skill can be one of these ranks:

  • Rookie
  • Adept
  • Elite
  • Master
  • Legendary

Each traveler will give a random singular stat increase for your ship. The amount of the stat given depends on their Skill and Level.

If you don’t have enough Renown to recruit them, they will say they are searching for a famous captain to join up with and sail the seas.

If you do have the Renown requirement, they will recognize you for your Renown and ask you to join your crew.

If you accept, the traveler permanently joins your ship as a Deckhand. When talking to them on your ship, you can either upgrade them or part ways with them. Larger ships can carry more deckhands, and more cannot be recruited when at the maximum.

Upgrading a deckhand costs Galleons and has a Renown requirement, that will increase their Skill by a single tier. This increase will also affect the stat they give you.

Parting ways with a deckhand will remove them from your ship, opening up a slot for a new deckhand to be recruited.

This is all the information you need on how to get Deckhands in Roblox Arcane Odyssey.


In conclusion, this was all the necessary information you will need to know on how to get a crew, a Quartermaster or Deckhands, in Roblox Arcane Odyssey.

With a lot of options pick and choose your favorites and create a crew you will be proud of. They are the ones after all that will follow you through your adventure.

If you are interested in more Roblox Arcane Odyssey information, check out our guide on the rare weapon list and how to get them. To lead a big crew you will need the strength to back up your claim.

Let us know in the comments down below, which crewmates you prefer, and which ones you feel like adding to your crew.


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