Palworld Server Guide – How to Host Your Own Server

This Palworld server guide will go through how to host your own dedicated server in the game and invite up to 32 friends.

In short, you’ll need to set up your server through the Palworld Dedicated Server app on Steam and access its files to set the server settings. Lastly, to allow others to join, you’ll have to set up Port Forwarding on your network.

Let’s explain each step of the process in turn.

How to Host Your Own Dedicated Server in Palworld for Free

How to host a dedicated server in Palworld.

To host your own Palworld Dedicated server where up to 32 people can join, follow these steps:

  1. On Steam, find Palworld Dedicated Server – You can find it in your Libary, and it’s a different entry than Palworld. If you can’t see it, on the top left side of your library where it says ‘Games’, open the drop-down bar and also select ‘Tools’. Do not launch the app yet.
  2. Access Palworld Dedicated Server local files – Find it on Steam library, right-click on it, and select Manage -> Browse local files
  3. Launch PalServer – from the local files, locate the PalServer application and open it. This will open a console box where you can type. Do not type anything for now.
  4. Change server settings – After opening PalServer, a new file will appear named DefaultPalWorldSettings. Open it with Notepad. At the bottom of this huge line of text, you’ll be able to select ServerName, password, description, and more. Also, in the PublicIP section, add the IP of your PC. Read below on how to find it. Save and close this file.
  5. Set up Port Forwarding for your network – Check your network provider and google how to set up port forwarding for that provider. It varies based on the provider and requires accessing the Wifi settings. Add a Port Forward for three sports: 25575, 8211, 27015 (TCP/UDP Protocol on all three)
  6. Launch Palworld Dedicated Server – Select ‘Play Palworld Dedicated Server’, and it should launch a console box.

If you had an issue with step 4, read the section below.

How to Find PC IP

From the Windows search bar, type ‘cmd’ to open the Command Prompt, and then type “ipconfig”. Check the IPv4 Address and copy and paste that number into the PublicIP section.

And that’s it; your server is now up! Let’s see how other players can join your server.

How to Join Dedicated Multiplayer Server in Palworld & Invite Friends

From the main menu, select ‘Join Multiplayer Game’, and you should be able to search it from the top bar based on the server name you assigned in Step 4 above. However, there’s a bug currently, and sometimes the search bar doesn’t work.

In this case, search the server from the bottom search bar by using your Public IP followed by ‘:8211’. Thus, it should look something like this:


The first numbers will vary based on your IP, while the :8211 at the end will be the same. Once typed, select Connect, and you’ll be able to join the server.

This will work both for you and any friends you want to invite. If you added a password, you’ll need to insert it now.

As long as you have the Palworld Dedicated Server app open on Steam, you’ll be able to run and connect to your server.

If you’re having any performance issues while launching the game, here’s how to fix Palword crashing on startup.

Wrapping up

To summarize, this is everything you need to know on how to host your own dedicated server in Palword.

Check all the settings, and you’ll be able to play in a lobby of up to 32 people if your PC and network can handle it. And that’s all you need to know.

How many players are you having on your server? What do you think about the server-hosting process in the game? Feel free to share your world and any tips you have in the comments below.

Now that you’re able to play with your friends, here’s how to build an infinite ore farm in Palworld.


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