Palworld Huge Dragon Egg: What Is It & How to Find

Are you trying to find and hatch a Huge Dragon Egg in Palworld? Let’s go through everything you need to know about this rare egg.

The best place to find a Huge Dragon Egg is by flying around the Volcano area. Search the tallest peaks, especially near the dragon statue and the fishing village.

To help you, let’s explain this in further detail and list all Pals you can get from this egg.

Where to Find Huge Dragon Egg in Palworld

Huge Dragon Egg guide in Palworld.

To find a Huge Dragon Egg in Palworld, search the Volcano Mountain area, and you’ll be able to spot it near the tallest peaks and building roofs.

The best locations you should check are near the dragon statue and next to the fishing village, both within the Volcano Mountain area.

However, the Volcano Mountain is extremely hot, and you’ll need armor with heat resistance to traverse it. Alternatively, you can bring cold resistance armor and travel at night, but you’ll have to deal with the low visibility.

Keep in mind that finding a Dragon Egg is fairly hard as it’s a rare item. This is especially true if you want to get a Huge egg, which is the rarest egg size.

Huge Dragon Egg guide in Palworld.

If you get lucky, you can expect to find 3-4 Dragon Eggs while flying around the Mountain. However, if you want a Huge one, you might have to search multiple times.

Thankfully, Eggs in Palworld respawn every one in-game day. Once you sleep and wake up, all eggs will have respawned. However, they respawn randomly; if you found a dragon egg in one location, you might now find a fire egg in the same location.

For this reason, it’s important to collect any Fire Eggs you find while exploring since they might respawn as Dragon Eggs the next day.

As for hatch time, it will depend on difficulty and cold conditions. Normally, you can expect it to take about 1 hour if you’re on normal difficulty and the Incubator doesn’t feel a bit cold.

All Pals You Can Get From Huge Dragon Egg

Huge Dragon Egg guide in Palworld.

If you’ve managed to find a Huge Dragon Egg, you’re in luck. You have a chance of getting one of the three following rare Pals from this egg:

Relaxaurus is the only Pal that isn’t worth it, as you can find it fairly early in level 20 areas. However, if you manage to get either of the Jormuntide Pals, you won’t regret it. They’re considered the best Pals in our recent Palworld tier list.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Huge Dragon Egg guide in Palwold, the best location to find it is the tall peaks of the Volcano Mountain area. However, even there, Dragon Eggs are fairly rare, so be prepared to explore the area multiple times.

Hatching a Huge Dragon Egg will take about one hour, and you can get a Relaxaurus, a Jormuntide, or a Jormuntide Ignis from the egg. The latter two are amazing additions to your team. And that’s all!

How many Dragon Eggs did you find on your first run? Which Pal did you hatch from your first egg? Feel free to share your experience so far in the comments below.

Before leaving, did you know there’s a way to catch humans in Palworld? You can tame them just like Pals!


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