One-armed Robber: How to Answer Guard Phones

Are you trying to answer guard phones in One-armed Robber but can’t figure out how? Here’s how this stealth mechanic works.

You can answer a dead guard’s phone by picking it up and finding the closest check-in station/terminal before the timer on the phone runs out. This will prevent the alarm from triggering and allow you to complete the heist in stealth.

Let’s explain this in further detail and showcase exactly how this mechanic works.

How to Answer Guard Phones/Radios in One-armed Robber

How to answer radios in One-armed Robber.
While holding the phone, the closest terminal’s aura will show up through walls.

To answer guard phones in One-armed Robber, pick up the phone from the ground after killing the guard and bring it to a nearby check-in station.

These are green outlined terminals found on some walls, and there’s always at least one near every guard.

Also, once you kill a guard, the phone they’ll drop will have a timer on it. That’s how many seconds you have to bring the phone to the check-in station. If you’re too late, the alarm will ring.

It’s important to note that each check-in station can only be used once. If you used it to answer one guard’s radio and then killed another guard, you must look for a different station.

Ideally, I recommend looking around for a check-in station before killing a guard. Overall, killing a few guards is essential if you want to complete a heist on stealth.

Depending on which map you’re on, you may need to kill up to three or four guards. Just make sure not to be seen while answering phones and always hide the bodies afterward.

Wrapping up

To summarize, you can answer radios in One-armed Robber by killing a guard, picking up their radio, and finding the nearest check-in terminal before the timer runs out. Place the phone at the terminal, and that’s it.

I recommend locating the terminal before killing the guard to avoid any risks. Also, keep in mind that each terminal can be used once. If you want to kill multiple guards, you’ll need to locate multiple terminals.

What do you think about this unique stealth mechanic? Do you prefer the standard Payday way, where you just answer radios on the spot? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you’re new to the game and want to practice some stealth heists, here’s our Jewelry Store stealth guide in One-armed Robber.


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