LotR: Return to Moria – Rebuild the Mine Hoist Guide (and Potential Bug)

If you’re trying to Rebuild the Mine Hoist in LotR: Return to Moria and progress through the main story, you’ve come to the right place.

To complete this quest and rebuild the mine hoist, you must find the Crystal Descent and bring the required materials to repair it.

In this guide, I will explain how to find the Crystal Descent and mention where to locate all the materials needed to repair the lift and access the Lower Deeps.

How to Find the Crystal Descent

Rebuild the mine hoist guide in LotR Return to Moria.

For the first step in starting this quest, you must find the Crystal Descent. It will be located in one of the rooms in the Mines of Moria but, since the map is randomly generated, I can’t help you with the exact location.

Simply keep exploring the surrounding rooms until you find a room with a large hole in the middle and a broken lift next to it.

Once you get close to the lift, the next main story quest will start.

How to Rebuild the Mine Hoist in LotR Return to Moria

Rebuild the mine hoist guide in LotR Return to Moria.

For this quest, you must rebuild the mine hoist to access the Lower Deeps. To repair it, you will need the following materials:

  • 15x Black Diamonds (obtained by looting Orkish Chests, killing Orcs and Goblins, and mining Precious Stones in the Lower Deeps. For more details, check out our guide on how to get Black Diamonds in Return to Moria).
  • 20x Elven Wood (obtained by chopping trees in The Elven Quarter in The Western Halls).
  • 30x Natural Fiber (obtained by looting from buildings; later, you can get it by killing Cave Spiders in The Lower Deeps).

With these resources, you’ll be able to repair the mine hoist and finally access the Lower Deeps in Return to Moria.

How to Fix Return to Moria Mine Hoist Bug

Rebuild the mine hoist guide in LotR Return to Moria and how to fix the bug.

Currently, there is a bug where after rebuilding the mine hoist, the quest will not complete and you won’t be able to progress with the story.

Unfortunately, at the moment, many users are facing the same issue and there is no solution that allows you to progress the main story. Thus, your best bet is to wait for an official update.

Thankfully, the devs have confirmed that an update will be released on the first week of November which fixes well over 100 bugs.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, you can complete the quest that requires you to rebuild the mine hoist in LotR: Return to Moria by finding the Crystal Decsent and then collecting the three necessary materials.

This will allow you to repair the lift and progress the story by accessing the Lower Deeps. If the quest isn’t complete and you end up facing this bug, your only option is to wait for an update, which will come in the next few days as confirmed by the devs.

Did you manage to collect everything and progress into the Lower Deeps? What do you think about Return to Moria so far? Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below.

For more similar content, check out our guides on how to get Fine Leather in LotR and where to find Ironwood.


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