LotR: Return to Moria – Farming Guide

Are you looking for a farming guide in LotR Return to Moria to help you get started with planting and harvesting? Here’s everything you must know.

Farming is complex in this game and it’s not explained well enough, so many players end up giving up on it. However, with the right tips, you can easily set up a fully efficient farm and ensure you have a surplus of food and herbs.

In this guide, I will explain how to find plants in LotR Return to Moria and provide some essential farming tips to help you get started.

If like a true Dwarf, you’re more interested in mining, check out our guide on how to find Black Diamonds in Return to Moria, one of the most valuable resources in the game.

How to Find Plants

LotR Return to Moria farming guide.

The first step in this LotR Return to Moria farming guide is foraging for plants. They can be found all around the mines and range from the common Mushrooms to spices and herbs like Thyme.

For a list of all plants you can find, open the Appendices menu and navigate to the Ingredients tab on the right. This will also include where to find each plant. Thankfully, this part is explained by the game perfectly.

Just keep exploring around and always keep your eyes open for forageables.

LotR Return to Moria Farming Guide – Best Tips to Get Started

Now that you’ve got seeds to plant, your next step is crafting and placing a Farm Box. This requires getting Ihraz Granite and Bat Droppings. The former is available in the Lower Deeps, while the latter can be obtained by killing bats anywhere in the Mines of Moria.

If you haven’t unlocked the Lower Deeps yet, here’s how to rebuild the mine hoist in Return to Moria.

Now that you’ve crafted the Farm Box, let’s go through two essential tips to make the most out of each seed.

Plants Require Certain Lighting

LotR Return to Moria farming guide.
The white circle means that these plants have full light.

When placing a Farm Box, there will be a circle symbol above it that showcases how much light it’s going to get. A full white circle means full light, while a half circle means no light at all. Some plants can only grow in full light, while others require complete darkness.

Plants that require darkness include Biteweed and all types of Mushrooms.

Instead, plants that require full light include Cabbage, Parsnips, and Potatoes.

If you’re unsure about a plant, simply place it and check the symbol above it. If there’s a yellow checkmark, it’s going to grow; if it’s a red X, it won’t grow until you move it to a location with different lighting.

Let the Crops Grow Fully Before Harvesting

While the crops will be ready and harvestable after a few days, you shouldn’t gather them immediately.

Instead, let them grow, and for every extra day you wait, you’ll increase your yields by one (max 4 days).

If you harvest them too early, you’ll end up getting only one crop per seed planted, while you can easily end up getting 4 per seed if you just wait a few days.

Wrapping up

To summarize this LotR Return to Moria farming guide, start a farm, gather seeds, craft a Farm Box, place it in the right light conditions, and make sure to wait a few days before harvesting to increase your yield.

As you explore the mines and progress in the game, you’ll unlock even more unique seeds and plants to improve your farm.

Which plants are you farming? What do you think about the farming system overall? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

For more material guides, here’s how to find Fine Leather in LotR Return to Moria and where to get Ironwood.


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