Lil Gator Game: Full List of Friends & How to Unlock Them All

The world is big when you’re a lil gator. Good thing it’s also full of friends! Make new friends and invite them to play in the island’s playground. Each new friend you make will add to your adventure.

Making new friends isn’t always easy, and you might have to complete a quest or two. Don’t worry though, because I am here to aid you in your quest to make friends. In this guide, I will show the full list of friends, and how to unlock them all.

A no-pressure adventure game. The lil Gator game focuses on adventure and play, don’t let a health bar hold you back from reaching your goal.

Collect arts and crafts supplies all over the island. Use them to make all kinds of goodies and bring the playground to life.

Altogether, there are fifty-seven friends to encounter and finish their mini-quests.

To make things easier, I will divide the game into four main areas:

  • The Small Island
  • The Great Oak
  • The Splash Pad
  • The Amphitheater

The last three are all on the Big Island and have the most friends. Even though there is no order to the areas, you can circle the island at your leisure and even come back to areas you’ve already passed later.

I make note of important landmarks in these areas to make it easier for players to find their friends easier.

If you are interested in more casual games to play, check our guide on where to find Rex’s cap, in Sun Haven.

Lil Gator Game: The Small Island Friends


The Small Island is the tutorial area where you experience your first steps into the game.

You will get a feel for your character, and what the game is all about. The tutorial features three main quests.

Altogether, there are seven friends to find on the Small Island, and the three main quests you will have to complete are the prerequisites to making these friends.

AveryIn the mountains past the Bracelet Man and beyond Simon. Follow the wooden ladders, climbing up and heading left once the option is available. They stand next to a wooden food sign.Craft your hat for 100 scraps.
Bracelet ManAcross the small pond, the tight rope, and into the mountains. Standing near the waterfalls.Buy his bracelet for 100 scraps.
FrannyGo back to where you found the stick for Jill after her quest is complete.Speak with Franny to receive a Wooden Sword.
GeraldSliding down the hill from the lounge chair where Martin is, go around the corners to the cliffs. Climb up and find Gerald the Giraffe standing at the top, surrounded by monsters.Defeat the monsters surrounding him.
JillAt the picnic area to the left of where you start, surrounded by monsters.Find the Wooden Stick at the hill nearby and defeat the monsters surrounding Jill.
MartinSitting in a lounge chair at the top of the hill to the right of the start area.Run down to the pot nearby and return it to Martin for a Pot Shield.
SimonClimb the first ledge behind the Bracelet Man and turn left to find Simon there against the trees.Pass Avery’s location, defeat a line of monsters, and look left between two trees.

Lil Gator Game: The Big Island Friends


The Great Oak

For most players, the Great Oak area will likely be the first you visit when you first get to the Big Island. You can find the central Great Oak by going right from the shore you land on and meeting Esther.

All areas near here will count as the Great Oak area, starting from the woods up until the Playground. There are 21 friends to find in this area, and even if you miss one of them on your first go. You can come back later for them.

AntoneAt the base of the Great Oak on the right side between two roots.Find the beetle resting on the tree stump in the grove beyond the Tree House in the thickly wooded area.
Billy the WhaleJust past the Great Oak and down the cliffside in the water.Remove the bowling ball from his spout.
Bracelet ManAt the very, very top of the Great Oak.Pay 500 scraps to receive another bracelet.
CarolFound on the main path to the Great Oak and just beside the Playground.Complete Tiffany’s questline.
EstherApproaches you on the main shore upon arrival.Speak with her and ask for directions.
EvaOn the hill where you do Gene’s quest, find Eva on one of the ledges with a camera.Climb the trees in the distance, hopping between them as needed, and scare the bird sitting atop the tallest one. Return to receive a Camera.
GeneOn the first level of the Great Oak tree house.Climb the nearby hill and hit monsters until you drop a grilled cheese sandwich. Return it to Gene to receive a Dinner Plate Shield.
GunterTo the right of the shore, climb the two trees against the cliffs nearby and, once at the top, take a short left to find Gunter in the grass.Accept Gunter as your sidekick, follow him, and talk to him twice
JillAt the base of the Great Oak with her three friends.Complete all her friends’ quests (Susanne, Gene, and Antone).
OscarFrom where you found Trish, head straight along the water and just above a shored-up boat, he stands on a ledge above.Complete Romeo’s quest, speak to Romeo a second time and hit Oscar with the Nunchaku weapon.
PenelopeFound on top of the nearby cliffside, to the right of the main shore facing the waterfalls.Defeat all the monsters on and above the waterfalls.
PepperoniPast Pot Kid and on the cliff overlooking several tightropes.Complete Pepperoni’s obstacle course.
Pot KidNear the tree house and beyond the black monster cutouts lining the stream.Hit the large and conspicuous pot several times until it breaks and reveals Pot Kid.
RomeoAcross from Oscar, at a large lake where there are two boats on the shore, he is standing at a small camp nearby.Step on the challenge switch, and defeat the five monsters circling camp nearby within the time limit.
SierraSitting at the camp with Romeo.Pay her 500 scraps to receive a Paper Shuriken.
Sorin, Beeretney, and RoeSitting together on the long cliffside to the right of the beginning shore, past Penelope, and a long row of a hoard of monsters.Choose to give Roe chips, Beeretney lasagna, and Sorin apple slices.
SusanneAt the base of the Great Oak on the left side.Jump down by Billy the Whale, go past him, and find the Beach Rock behind a boulder. Return it to Susanne, follow her instructions, and receive a Paleolithic Tool.
TiffanyFound next to Carol just up the small hall, surrounded by pink monsters and sitting at a tea table.Defeat all the monsters that are not pink, talk to Tiffany, and then interrupt Carol’s phone call.
TrishJust past the Great Oak, follow the stream to a ledge with a pot on it. She is standing under it.Pretend you can’t hear her.

The Splash Pad

Beyond the Playground is the Splash Pad. This area goes from the shore down below up to the hills beneath the towering windmill. 

Most of your friends will be found along the shore. There are 17 friends to find in this area.

BeccaAbove the waterfall area where Virag stands, she stands at the water’s edge.Find her item at the base of the waterfalls, under the bridge, and return it to her.
Bracelet ManStanding on top of the windmill behind the Splash Pad.Pay him 500 scraps to receive another bracelet.
DukeFollow the pipes from the Splash Pad toward where Becca stands at the base of a small waterfall.During the trial, select “Lie”, “Truth”, and “Doubt” in that order.
JadaFollow the pipes from the Splash Pad down the cliff past the Junk 4 Sale sign, where she stands at the bottom.Cut some grass to return clippings to Jada, get some water from the beach below, and break the Junk 4 Sale sign above.
JoeRunning around on the path in front of Mr. Doddler’s house.Speak to Joe at any time after you’ve talked to Martin and his friends at the Splash Pad and choose Pose 3.
LeelandFrom the Great Oak area, he is along a long bluff through a horde of monsters.Defeat his monsters and pay him 80 scraps as an apology.
LucasFrom the Splash Pad, follow the pipes toward the beach, cross the tight ropes linking the beach to a small island, and he’s standing next to the pump.Talk to Lucas. Answer three times to end the chat.
Marlow and CadeThey are on adjacent piers overlooking the water. Marlow is sitting on a rail while Cade is standing on his own.Speak to Marlow, then to Cade, and go back and forth until Cade is convinced to jump. Speak to Marlow one final time, and both will become friends
MartinStanding at the Splash Pad with his friends.Complete all his friends’ quests (Lucas, Duke, and Jada).
Mr. DoddlerClimb the hill from the beach shore, he’s standing in front of his white house.Clean away all the monsters on his roof.
RobinDown the hill from the Playground in a water area surrounded by monsters.Defeat the nearby monsters.
RoyDirectly next to the Playground, and down the hill a bit.Purchase all of his items.
SamOn the same shore as Marlow and Cade, he stands on a small ledge just above the sand.Chase after the pencil he drops three times in nearby areas.
Skate PugGoing across the water from the shore with the previous three, you find him on a mini island.Defeat the five monsters on the island in the allotted time after stepping on the start switch.
TonyBetween the shore and Mr. Doddler’s house, he’s sitting in a cozy corner by a table with a chess set.Speak to him, and then attack the table and the chess set to send it flying.
ViragIn the same bay as the others, follow the shoreline to a waterfall with a bridge in front of it. He’s standing at the base next to a parasol.Defeat all the monsters on the cliffside above him.

The Amphitheater

The last place players will visit is the Amphitheater, atop the high mountains on the far side of the island. This area is fairly straightforward as most of your friends will be found along the path leading to the mountain summit.

There are 17 friends to find along your path.

AndromedaDirectly down the main road from the Amphitheater, she’s waiting on the edge of the mountain in plain view.Defeat all the green monsters with your main weapon, defeat the reinforcements with your new blaster, and use the blaster to burst all the balloons holding the “mothership”.
AveryAt the amphitheater.Complete all her friends’ quests (Velma, Andromeda, and Esme).
Bracelet ManOn the top-most summit of the mountain above the Amphitheater.Purchase another bracelet for 500 scraps.
DarcieOn the road Amphitheater, she can be found hanging by a bundle of balloons at the bottom of a sledding slope.Pop the balloons holding Darcie up.
EsmeJump from the amphitheater ledge down into a grove filled with cardboard candles. Follow them to a large hole in the ground to enter the cave (not far from Zhu) and find Esme on a cardboard throne.Get Esme ice cream, return, and try leaving. When prompted, choose “Magic spell”.
FlintFollowing the coastline from Darcie, find him on the coast on a small grassy ledge.Defeat all the monsters in front of and behind the start switch with your explosive bowling ball.
KasenDiverging from the path to the right, enter the cave system and follow the path up the mountain to a long walkway where he’s pacing.Jump down below to fetch the green scooter hidden in the grassy area in front of a large monster. Repair it for 50 scraps and return it to Kasen.
LuisaTo the left of where Velma was standing, she was crouched behind a cactus.Comfort her.
MadeleineWalking on the main path between the Splash Pad and the Amphitheater ascent.Speak to Madeleine and admit you might be a little lost.
MochiOn the cliffside adjacent to Zhu (and visible from Kasen’s location), climb the cliffs to find Mochi standing on a ledge.Speak to him.
NeilUp the road from Zhu and along the ascent, he’s in a grove of trees to the left of the path.Defeat the monsters surrounding him three times.
ScooterOn the mountain path and to the left of a blue island map sign, he’s standing on a short ledge.Defeat all the pots on the cliffs behind and above him.
SsumanthaIn the green grove where Kasen’s scooter was found, follow the water out to the ocean and over the waterfall. Jump over the waterfall edge to find her standing to the right, on a large rock.Use your shield, surf across the water, and press the relevant button when touching the water to bounce on top of it.
TannerOn the main path, he’s standing between two large rock formations behind a row of pots.Break all the cardboard pots and none of the real ones.
TwigOn the way up to the amphitheater, they’re running around in a grove of autumn-colored trees.Jump and ragdoll. (requires finishing Simon’s questline on the Small Island).
VelmaFrom the hole that leads to the cave where Esme is, follow the mountain road up back toward the Amphitheater into the cactus cardboard patch where she’s waiting further in.Catch all three of the cows/siblings.
ZhuSitting on the waterfront along the path.Skip a rock across the water more than three times.


In, conclusion this was the full list of friends, and how to unlock them in Lil Gator Game.

The main quest of the game requires you to make friends with lots of different animals. Knowing where they are, and how to find them will help you immensely as you pay through the story, and have fun!

If you are interested in trying more laid-back games, check out our guide on the best electric type for your team, in Coromon.

Let us know in the comments down below, who is your favorite friend in the game, and which area is your favorite to explore.


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