Last Epoch: Falconer Leveling Guide

This Falconer leveling guide in Last Epoch will go through the best early-game build to help you reach level 80 faster.

Overall, leveling builds are replaced with end-game builds after reaching the end-game and their main purpose is to make early-game progression faster and easier. For this build,

Let’s go through every part of this build in turn.

Early Game Progression & Playstyle

Falconer leveling guide in Last Epoch.

For the early game, spec into Puncture once you reach level 5 and into Ballista after earning 15 points in Rogue. On level 16, you can choose Falconer and spec into it on level 20.

As you progress, remove all points from Puncture and focus on Smoke Bomb and Dive Bomb. Finally, after level 50, start investing in Shift.

Once you reach level 80 and start to get into the late game, make sure to check out our guide on the best faction to join in Last Epoch.

Best Falconer Leveling Gear

Since you will end up switching gear often, the most important tip here is to prioritize anything with a high Dexterity stat. Let’s go through each piece of gear in further detail.

  • Helmet: Falconry Helm or any alternative with dexterity
  • Rings and Belt: Arboreal Circuit Rings and Lessons of the Metropolis Boots
  • Boots:
  • Body Armor: The Kestrel grants high armor and movement speed when starting out; just like the Helmet, replace it with Falconry Armor later on
  • Weapon: Any One-handed Axe will work surprisingly well. If you prefer Ranged gameplay, Bows are also great if you focus on stats that increase damage, crit, and Falconry
  • Amulet: Gambler’s Fallacy

As for Idols, only focus on the Adorned Idol to increase your damage and dodge rating.


Falconer leveling guide in Last Epoch.

While there are many passives worth considering, I highly recommend experimenting with your build. As a rule of thumb, prioritize anything that grants Dexterity. To help you get started, let’s go through some must-haves on each tree:

  • Rogue: Steady-Hand
  • Falconer: Handler, Outlander’s Tenacity, Agile Hunt, Tactician, Evasion Tactics, Relentless Talons, Needle Like Precision, Tailwind
  • Bladedaner: Cloak of Shadows
  • Marksman: Focus Fire

Best Falconer Skills

For the best Falconer skills in Last Epoch, I recommend taking Puncture early on but swapping it as you progress. Any skills that aren’t mentioned should either be avoided or only take one point in them just to access other skills.

Let’s go through the best early-game Falconer skills in Last Epoch:

  • Puncture: Perforate, Press The Attack, Timing, Splinter
  • Ballista: Shared Enhancements, Perfect Aim, Agile Engineering, Practical Build, Armed Construction
  • Falconry: Trained to Hunt, Go For the Eyes!, Avian Stamina, Hunter’s Spoils, Bird of Prey, The Blood Dance, Is it a bird?, Agile Pray, Sidekick
  • Smoke Bomb: Umbral Assault, Smokescreen Arrow, Rapid Concealment
  • Dive Bomb: Rushing Wings, Birds Aren’t Real, Dancing Shadows, Rush of the Hunt, Focused Hunter, Cloud Gatherer, Rapid Pursuit
  • Shift: Velocity, Momentum, Shadowslip, Elusive, Molting

If you’re not convinced about the value of the Falconer, check out our Last Epoch base class tier list to help you decide on a different class.

Wrapping up

To wrap up, the best Falconer leveling build involves focusing on Dexterity through the Falconer tree.

Prioritize damage and mobility skills and passives to increase your DPS, crit, evasion, and dodge chance. With these, you’ll be able to progress through the game quickly and reach level 80 with no trouble.

As you reach the end game and want to min-max your loadout, check out our guide on how to make Legendary items in Last Epoch.

What do you think about the Falconer overall? Do you have any other tips, skills, or passives to recommend? Feel free to share them in the comments below.


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