Jagged Alliance 3: How to Recruit Pierre

Pierre is the first main enemy you’ll encounter in JA 3 and also a character you can recruit, if you play your cards right.

To have him join your team, you’ll need to let him live after your first battle, prioritize the well-being of Ernie Village, and reform Bastien.

In this guide, I will explain how to recruit Pierre in Jagged Alliance 3 to help you get access to better mercenaries overall.

Before recruiting Pierre, you will need to go through a lot of battles. Make sure to check out our guide on how cover works in Jagged Alliance 3 to always have the upper hand.

How to Recruit Pierre in Jagged Alliance 3

To recruit Pierre in Jagged Alliance 3, players will first have to defeat him in combat on Ernie Island. After defeating him, you’ll have two options:

  • Time to die – Kill Pierre and earn 30 Loyalty with Ernie. However, you won’t be able to recruit him if you choose this option.
  • You may go – Let Pierre go and earn 10 Loyalty with Ernie. You’ll meet Pierre again in the future and have the chance to recruit him.

Thus, it’s essential to choose the “You may go” option here if you want to recruit Pierre. After that, progress the story and focus on two tasks:

  • Protecting Ernie Village
  • Reforming Bastien

If you do these two, you’ll be able to meet Pierre in the Grand Chien camp later on and finally have him join your squad. Let’s examine how to complete these tasks.

How to Protect Ernie Village

How to recruit Pierre in Jagged Alliance 3 - How to protect Luc and Ernie Village.

While the objective will be to fulfill requests all around Grand Chien, it can be completed normally only by protecting Ernie Village.

The best ways to help Ernie Village involve preventing lynchings, giving them a machine gun, and training militia there.

In terms of lynchings, you need to specifically prevent the attempted lynching of Pierre’s father.

How to Reform Bastien

How to recruit Pierre in Jagged Alliance 3 - How to reform Bastien.

The next objective will require you to complete the task “Reforming Bastien”.

In your first encounter with Bastien, in the I1 sector, exhaust his dialogue option and avoid killing him. You can simply let him go or extort him for a few diamonds.

In your second encounter with Bastien, in the H3 sector, it’s essential to avoid killing him again. You can pay him, threaten him, or fool his squad, but you shouldn’t kill him at any cost.

If you let him go, you’ll meet him again in the short future and you can persuade him to smuggle goods in the Refugee Camp.

If done correctly, you’ll be able to meet and recruit Pierre at the Grand Chien Camp shortly after.

Wrapping up

To summarize, players can recruit Pierre in Jagged Alliance 3 by building their relationship with Ernie Village and completing the “Reforming Bastien” task.

Then, they can visit the Grand Chien Camp and recruit Pierre, as long as they let him live during their previous encounters.

Did you manage to recruit Pierre? Do you think he’s worth using? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

For more JA 3 content, consider checking out our guide on how to turn on Forgiving Mode in Jagged Alliance 3.


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