HoloCure: How to Turn Off Fandom

Fandoms allow characters to gain bonuses based on various accomplishments. In this guide, I will go over how to turn off Fandoms in HoloCure.

As said Fandoms are a system under the Achievements menu that allows characters to gain bonuses based on various accomplishments.

The Fandoms can be purchased, and refunded as many times as you want without losing any progress you have achieved at any point.

If you are interested in the fishing mechanics in the game, check out our guide on everything you need to know about fishing in HoloCure.

HoloCure: The Fandom Mechanic


Before going over how to turn off the Fandom mechanic, let’s go over what you get when you purchase it from the store, and what benefits you can get by using it.

Fandoms are a system under the Achievements menu that allows characters to gain bonuses based on various accomplishments.

It is unlocked by purchasing the corresponding upgrade from the shop, which costs 2,000 HoloCoins. Prior to unlocking, the Fandoms button will display as “????” in the Achievements menu.

Upgrades are passive bonuses that can be obtained from the Shop. They cost HoloCoins to purchase, and are permanent across all game sessions unless refunded.

Going back to the Fandoms, they are broken down into four Ranks, and completing certain tasks rewards Fandom EXP for that character.

Each fandom has increasing Ranks depending on the EXP earned for each character. Benefits can be temporarily disabled by refunding the upgrade in the upgrade shop, but any Ranks earned will be regained upon reactivating the upgrade.

Refunding will reset an upgrade’s level to zero, and the total cost of all purchased upgrades is refunded to the player in full, at no extra cost. 

Here is a breakdown of how to earn Fandom EXP:

Clear a Stage:

  • Normal stage: 7 EXP (14 EXP for the first clear)
  • Hard stage: 10 EXP (20 EXP for the first clear)

Reach 30 minutes in Endless Mode

G. Rank Up: 2 EXP (Max 20 times)

Now that the ways of earning Fandom EXP are laid out, let’s go over the different Ranks these EXP will help you reach.

Newcomer (0 EXP)None
Fan (33 EXP)1 random skill gained at the start of the game
HP +5
ATK +5%
SPD +5%
Oshi (66 EXP)3 random skills gained at the start of the game
HP +10
ATK +10%
SPD +10%
Gachikoi (100 EXP)All skills maxed at the start of the game
HP +20
ATK +25%
SPD +25%
CRIT +5%

This is everything you need to know about the Fandom mechanic in HoloCure.

HoloCure: Turning off Fandoms


Fandoms can be a great asset, but some players may want to turn them off to complete a certain achievement. The achievement is called “Skill Issue”.

Skill Issue: Clear stage mode without having any character skill (Fandom off).

In order to turn off Fandoms, you will need to utilize the Refund feature in the shop. Refunding the Fandoms essentially turns them off, without losing any progress of what you have achieved up to that point.

Final Thoughts

The Fandom system allows for players of all skill levels to have fun while going through the game, and experience all that it has to offer.

If you want to know more about weapons, and the different combinations you can use them in, check out our full guide on all Collab and Super Collab weapons in HoloCure.

Knowing now how to turn off Fandoms in HoloCure, do you feel more prepared to tackle the various achievements? Let us know in the comments down below if you are now planning to complete the Skill Issue achievement.


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