Hogwarts Legacy: How to Sell Items

Especially during the early game in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll end up finding your inventory is full of gear and, as a result, you won’t be able to collect any more items.

After all, players start with only 20 inventory gear slots which fill up after exploring for a bit. To empty their inventory, players will need to sell items.

To sell items in Hogwarts Legacy, players need to visit any shop vendor found around the world and, after equipping the strongest gear, sell everything else.

As for how to find gear, a great way is through treasure vaults. Consider checking out our guide on how to open treasure vaults in the game for more details.

In this guide, I will explain how to sell items in Hogwarts Legacy and mention how to increase your inventory slots.

How to Sell Items in Hogwarts Legacy

Sell items by visiting J. Pippins Potions and pressing R1 to go to the sell menu in Hogwarts Legacy.
Sell items by visiting J. Pippins Potions and pressing R1 to go to the sell menu in Hogwarts Legacy.

When your inventory is close to full, it’s time to consider selling any excess gear.

Start by opening the main menu and navigating to the Gear tab. From there, equip your strongest available gear and make sure to change its appearance so that you’re always in style.

Then, travel to any vendor around the map to sell your gear. Every vendor will offer the exact same coins, so it doesn’t matter who you sell to.

For me, it’s always J. Pippins Potions in Hogsmeade since he’s right next to a Floo Flame. Alternatively, any other shop will do, which includes shops in Hogsmeade and vendors in smaller settlements.

After opening the vendor’s shop, press R1 to navigate to the sell menu and hold X to sell each of your items.

Also, if you have unidentified gear, you can sell them without examining them but you’ll never learn their stats. To reveal unidentified gear, consider checking out our guide on how to unlock the Room of Requirement.

However, with only 20 gear slots in your inventory, you’ll have to visit a vendor almost after every hour of gameplay, especially if you’re into exploring.

How to Increase Inventory Gear Slots in Hogwarts Legacy

Complete Merlin's Trials to increase inventory gear slots in Hogwarts Legacy.
Complete Merlin’s Trials to increase inventory gear slots in Hogwarts Legacy.

To avoid having to visit vendors constantly, players can choose to increase their inventory gear slots. This is done by completing Merlin’s Trials and claiming their rewards from the Challenges tab in the menu.

After completing your first few challenges, your inventory gear slots will increase to 24, and after completing a few more, it will bump up to 28.

Keep completing these challenges, which can be found all over the world, to increase your inventory gear slots and avoid having to visit the vendor every hour.

Wrapping up

To summarize, players can sell items in Hogwarts Legacy by visiting any vendor around the map.

Since all vendors offer the same price, simply choose the one closest to you. Also, make sure to complete Merlin’s Trials to increase your gear capacity slots, which will allow you to carry more items for each visit to the vendor.

While exploring the world, you’ll eventually come across trolls. Make sure to check out our guide on how to defeat trolls easily and collect troll bogeys.

What’s your go-to shop for selling items? How often do you end up going to sell items in the game? Let us know in the comments below.


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