Hello Kitty Island Adventure: How to Repair Visitor Cabins

Are you interested in attracting visitors to the island and sharing with them the amazing scenery? Let’s see how to repair visitor cabins in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

The island is filled with broken visitor cabins that players will need to repair if they want visitors to join them on the island. This is done by collecting Strawberry Crates and interacting with My Melody.

In this guide, I will explain how to repair visitor cabins in Hello Kitty Island Adventure and help you find Strawberry Crates by exploring the island.

Before moving on, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to play with your friends in Hello Kitty Island Adventure as there’s nothing better than bringing your friends along for the ride.

How to Repair Visitor Cabins in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

How to repair visitor cabins in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

To repair visitor cabins in Hello Kitty Island adventure, players must find Strawberry Crates around the island and bring them to My Melody. Then, find the visitor cabin you want to repair and tap the Hammer Icon to fix it.

To unlock visitor cabins, you’ll first need to bring five Strawberry Crates to My Melody to help her repair the broken bridge. Then, bring My Melody another three Strawberry Crates to repair the first visitor cabin, alongside three Sticks and one Indigo Dye Pouch.

With the first cabin repaired, you’ll start getting visitors, which are mostly Dear Daniel and Mimmi. However, it doesn’t end there are more cabins to be repaired and more Strawberry Crates to be found.

After that, you can repair as many cabins as you want after finding the necessary Strawberry Crates.

Each cabin requires a different amount of crates with some requiring up to 10 crates. You can see how many Strawberry Crates you’ll need by interacting with the damaged cabin. Then, you can decide if it’s worth repairing.

How to Find Strawberry Crates

How to repair visitor cabins in Hello Kitty Island Adventure - how to find Strawberry Crates.

Finding Strawberry Crates isn’t the easiest task as they are scattered all around the island. Additionally, each Visitor Cabin will require multiple crates to repair.

Strawberry Crates include various repair tools and they originally belong to My Melody. If you can’t find any crates or haven’t unlocked them yet, speak with My Melody and progress your tasks.

The best tip here is to explore the island as much as you can and gather every crate you can find.

And since you’re exploring, make sure to collect any materials lying around as you’ll need them to craft various items later on. For more details, check out our guide on how to craft in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Now that you have the required Strawberry Crates, go to the visitor cabin that you want to repair and interact with the Hammer Icon. Check how many crates it needs for repair and you’re able to start the repair process.

After repairing the cabin, make sure to customize it to keep visitors happy. After all, nobody wants to stay in an empty, undecorated cabin.

Wrapping up

To summarize, players can repair visitor cabins in Hello Kitty Island Adventure by collecting Strawberry Crates around the island and then using them to repair the damaged cabins.

Each cabin will require multiple crates, so make sure to collect every single crate you can find.

How many visitor cabins have you repaired? What are the most crates you’ve used to repair a single cabin? Don’t hesitate to share your experiences in the comments below.

As you’re exploring around, you’ll also find various forageables used in baking recipes. Check out our guide on how to bake in Hello Kitty Island Adventure to make the most out of your ingredients.


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