Happiness and Potato Explained in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Happiness is one of the stats you can increase in Yet Another Zombie Survivors and the Potato is an item you can pick up that has no description.

The short answer is that Happiness is similar to Luck in other games while the Potato has no purpose whatsoever.

In this guide, I will explain how happiness works in Yet Another Zombie Survivors and what the Potato does.

For more content on optimizing your team, check out our character tier list in YAZS.

Happiness Explained in Yet Another Zombie Survivors

Happiness Explained in Yet Another Zombie Survivors.

To increase Happiness in YAZS, players can pick up the yellow crates that spawn throughout a run and hope to get a Happiness item. Additionally, there is an upgrade in the main menu that allows them to start a run with increased Happiness.

Overall, Happiness is similar to Luck in other games. A high Happiness stat in Yet Another Zombie Survivors will increase the drop chances of the three power-up buffs (Frenzy, Movement Speed Increase, and Armor Up), as well as the hearts that restore HP.

Thus, Happiness is worth upgrading as these items can help you a lot during a run. Especially Frenzy is an ideal buff if you want to take down hordes of enemies or even bosses.

However, Happiness does not affect the items or abilities you’ll get during a run. These are completely random unless you use certain upgrades.

What Does the Potato Do in Yet Another Zombie Survivors?

Potato Explained in Yet Another Zombie Survivors.

When collecting yellow crates, players will be given to choose from three random items. Occasionally, one of these items will be the Potato, which is the only item in the game that has no description at all.

Unfortunately, there is no hidden mystery behind the Potato. Instead, the Potato in Yet Another Zombie Survivors does absolutely nothing and players should avoid picking it up.

It offers no buffs or debuffs and there is no achievement for picking it up. Thus, unless you’re doing some kind of challenge where you’re trying to see how far you can go without items, you should avoid picking up the Potato.

Wrapping up

To sum up, the Happiness stat in Yet Another Zombie Survivors will increase the drop rate of power-ups and health packs, while the Potato will offer nothing.

In general, increase Happiness when you can and avoid picking up the Potato as any other item will be more useful.

What do you think about the Happiness stat? Did you pick up any Potatoes hoping that they do something? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you want to optimize your characters, check out our list of the best weapons in Yet Another Zombie Survivors.


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