For The King 2: How to Unlock Farmer & Pathfinder Class

If you’re interested in unlocking the Farmer and Pathfinder class in For the King 2, here’s everything you need to know to get them.

You can unlock both the Farmer and the Pathfinder class in FTK2 easily by completing The Resistance mission in the first chapter.

This guide will include everything you need to know on how to get these classes as well as how to use them efficiently.

How to Unlock Farmer and Pathfinder in For The King 2

How to unlock Farmer and Pathfinder class in For the King 2.

To unlock the Farmer and Pathfinder classes in For the King 2, complete The Resistance quest during Chapter 1. You do not need to complete any of the special challenges and you’ll unlock both classes upon finishing it.

To complete this mission easily, consider checking out our guide on the best starting party in For the King 2.

While you do not need to complete them to get these classes, here are the challenges in the Resistance mission:

  • Rush The Clock: Complete the adventure in 50 rounds or less
  • Start The Revolution: Kill 25 Queensguards
  • Find The Stranger: Rescue the Alchemist from Prison Cart

As you can see from the third mission, this mission is also used to unlock the secret Alchemist class by finding the hidden prison cart.

Farmer Abilities & Stats

How to unlock Farmer and Pathfinder class in For the King 2.

The Farmer is a great all-around unit that focuses on summoning scarecrows to protect allies. He has the following ability:

  • Build Scarecrow: Chance to build a scarecrow on an available front-row combat tile

The scarecrow has 5 HP and takes 1 damage for every round that it stays on the field. It’s ideal for placing in front of Hunters or Scholars to protect them from taking damage.

Also, the Farmer comes with the following stats:

  • Strength: 74
  • Vitality: 74
  • Intelligence: 50
  • Awareness: 74
  • Talent: 56
  • Speed: 60
  • Luck: 50

Pathfinder Abilities & Stats

How to unlock Farmer and Pathfinder class in For the King 2.

The Pathfinder class is similar to the Hunter but sacrifices some damage for the sake of utility. Specifically, here are the Pathfinder’s abilities:

  • Survey: Chance to discover a hidden overworld POI
  • Scout: Chance to reveal the contents of the next dungeon room

In terms of stats, the Pathfinder has these starting stats:

  • Strength: 50
  • Vitality: 58
  • Intelligence: 56
  • Awareness: 76
  • Talent: 76
  • Speed: 70
  • Luck: 50

Wrapping up

To summarize, that’s everything you need to know to unlock the Farmer and Pathfinder class in For the King 2. Simply complete the Resistance chapter and you’ll unlock both of them.

As for their usage, the Farmer summons scarecrows that are great at tanking while the Pathfinder is similar to the Hunter class but with less damage and more utility.

Which of these classes are you using in your team? What’s your current team? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you want to try more secret classes, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to unlock all classes in For the King 2.


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