For The King 2: Best Team / Starting Party

Are you looking for the best team and starting party in For the King 2? Here are some of the best options to try.

While there are many options to try, the best team in FtK2 involves using two Blacksmiths, one Herbalist, and one Scholar. This ensures you have enough survivability, DPS, and healing.

However, the best party will also depend on your playstyle. Thus, this guide will explore various team options in the game so that you can decide which one suits your playstyle better.

Best Starting Team in For the King 2

Best starting team/party in For the King 2.

Without further delay, let’s head straight into the three best starting teams in For the King II.

Best Balanced Team

The best all-around balanced team in the game should have the following classes:

  • Hunter
  • Scholar
  • Blacksmith
  • Herbalist

The goal of this team is to have everything you need. The Hunter is the best physical DPS in the game, while the Scholar has high magic damage. The Blacksmith is a great frontline tank, while the Herbalist is your support unit that keeps everyone else alive.

If you’re just starting in the game, this is overall the best starting party.

Best Defensive Team

The best defensive team in For the King 2 involves the following units:

  • Blacksmith
  • Blacksmith
  • Herbalist
  • Scholar

Another great team option involves taking a slightly more defensive approach. This team uses two Blacksmiths in the front line, ideally in opposite positions, that will taunt enemies and ensure your remaining team is safe.

Focus on taunting with one Blacksmith and once he gets on low HP, use Taunt on the other Blacksmith. In terms of the best build, prioritize Evasion on the one Blacksmith and Armor on the other.

The Herbalist is a must-have due to their amazing supporting capabilities, while the Scholar is the best DPS option for this team due to his magic damage. You can use a Hunter instead as your DPS but you won’t have any magic damage.

Best Offensive Team

If you just want to deal high damage and rush through enemies, you can also try the best offensive team with the following loadout:

  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Scholar
  • Scholar

With this team, you have four units that deal amazing damage with two dealing physical and two magical damage.

The only issue here is going to be finding enough gear for everyone but if you’re familiar with the game’s mechanics and want to progress through the early game fast with a high-risk, high-reward option, this is your best bet.

Wrapping up

To summarize, these are the best starting parties in For the King 2. There are many options to try based on whether you prefer a defensive, offensive, or balanced playstyle.

Regardless of your playstyle, I would recommend avoiding the Stablehand class overall since it’s significantly weaker compared to everything else.

What’s your favorite starting lineup? What do you think about the Stablehand? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you’re looking to try your luck in a different game, check out our best tips and tricks in My Time at Sandrock. It’s a newly released life-sim that has amazing reviews and can offer over 100 hours of gameplay if you’re a fan of the genre.


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