Enshrouded: Where Is the Fireplace for Farmer? [Answered]

Do you want to make popcorn, but the farmer can’t cook? In this guide, I will go over where is the fireplace for the farmer in Enshroud.

The fireplace can be found inside the Flame Sanctum to the left of the Shanty Shacks area. You will find the kettle, and finally be able to place it close to the farmer unlocking the ability to make popcorn.

Let’s go a little more in-depth about it.

What to Do When the Quest Doesn’t Appear in Enshrouded


In Enshrouded, there is a hidden requirement to unlock quests that the game doesn’t do a good job of informing players.

The NPC quests can overlap, and a quest such as “Fireplace For The Farmer” won’t be available.

Players will need to ensure that they rescue all the NPCs and follow each quest line that pops up.

Some players have reported that the quest was unlocked for them when they completed the forge for the Blacksmith, while others got it after building the kiln for the Carpenter.

Since there is no way to always know which NPCs are tied to which quest you will need to complete all the quests as they appear, and once all the required NPCs are free, you will be able to do it.

If you want to know more about the game, and what you can do check out our guide on the Hunter Vault button for Enshrouded.

Where to Find the Fireplace in Enshrouded


The special kettle can be found in the Flame Sanctum in Pikeman’s Reach at the north of the map.

To get to Pikeman’s Reach, you must go even further north from the White Wind, or Nothern Caravan Camp if you have already found them.

Since there are many different ruined buildings, and the area can be quite big to navigate check out the video below to get some visual cues on where to go, and how to find it.

The video from Game Guides Channel does a great job of helping players navigate the area, and once you find the kettle you will be able to place it close to the Farmer and use it to make popcorn.

As a small side note, until you get the kettle you can eat honey to get high stamina regeneration.

If you want to check out other games that are open-world experiences, check out our guide on how to catch and trade humans in Palworld.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes games can be cryptic, and they have mechanics that they don’t explain to players making some things lost in translation.

if you want to see more about Palworld as a game, check out our guide on what is the huge dragon egg and how to find it in Palworld.

With the fireplace location for the farmer in Enshrouded laid out, you can find it easily once the quest pops up for you. Let us know in the comments about what you enjoy most about exploring the world of Embervale


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