Enshrouded: Best Ranger Build

If you go with a ranger build in Enshrouded, this guide will walk you through what you need to be the best ranger.

From which level-up stats to increase, to what gear you need, and lastly which skill tree abilities to unlock.

All the important information will be laid out so you can be ready to take on any challenge.

Let’s dive into the build.

Best Level-up Stats to Increase in Enshrouded


Let’s begin with what stats you will need to focus on increasing with each passing level up.

The first and main stat any ranger will need is the Dexterity stat increasing ranged damage by 5% per attribute point. Since bows will be your main source of damage you will need high dex.

The next stat you will want to increase is the Endurance stat which increases your stamina by 10 per point in the stat. You are aiming for a healthy mix between Dexterity, and Endurance so you will never run out of stamina in an unfavorable situation.

Lastly, the last stat that you will need to increase is the Constitution stat. There are a lot of enemies in the game that like to rush you, and a few points in Constitution will allow you to be able to escape without having to worry too much about your health.

With the level-up stats out of the way let’s move on to the gear you will want to have equipped with this build.

If you want to check out more build options, check out our guide on the best mage build in Enshrouded.

Best Gear to Equip in Enshrouded


Here are all the gear pieces you want to have as you end your Ranger Build and reach the late game.

  • Weapon: Your main weapon will be the Fell Commander Bow, a legendary bow with extremely strong upgrades in Vicious, Precise, Mana Leech, Brutal, and extra shroud damage.
  • Shield: When it comes to the shield equip slot you will want to equip the Ethereal Plane. It requires players to have the Blacksmith, and the Forge to craft it.
  • Head Armor: For the head armor piece you will want to have the Deadeye Hood. It gives both Critical Strike Damage and Ranged Critical Strike Chance.
  • Upper Body Armor: For the upper body armor you will want to have the Soldier’s Chestplate. You will want to increase both defenses in the game without going too far on either physical or magical defensive stats. It requires the blacksmith to be crafted.
  • Arm Armor: For the arm armor you want to have the Deadeye Gloves. They offer 20 points in both defenses, as well as +3% Damage Multiplier Bow, and +8% Skillshot Damage.
  • Lower Body Armor: For the lower body armor you will want to have the Deadeye Trousers. They offer 46 points in both defenses, as well as +4 Stamina Regeneration, and 9 extra Stamina.
  • Foot Armor: For the foot armor you will want to have the Eagle Eye Boots. They offer stamina regeneration, and stamina timeout reduction. They can be farmed from chests, so they will be easy to find.
  • Ring: When it comes to the ring slots, you will want the Ring of the Ancients for both slots. They offer +1 to every attribute in the game. You can easily farm them in Deepcut.

With all the gear laid out let’s move to the skill tree skills you will want to unlock.

If you are having trouble figuring out how to handle NPC quests, check our guide on the fireplace location for the farmer quest chain in Enshourded.

Best Skill Tree Abilities to Unlock in Enshrouded


Let’s go over which abilities from the skill tree you want to unlock for this build.

From the center skill trees, you will want the following:

  • Sneak Attack: The Sneak Attack deals massive x10 damage to unaware enemies. To trigger it, sneak up on an enemy and press [E].
  • Backstab Damage: Increase the damage you dealt from behind by 25%

From the green skill trees, you will want the following:

  • Dexterity: Increases your Dexterity attribute by 1.
  • Marksman: All damage dealt with Ranged Weapons is increased by 10%.
  • Sharpshooter: All ranged damage is increased by an additional 20%.
  • Counter Battery: +15% damage to ranged enemies.
  • Skill Shot: All damage to an enemy’s head is increased by 20%.
  • Multi Shot: Adds a 20% chance to spawn a flurry of arrows that spread slightly.
  • Ranger: +2 Endurance, +2 Dexterity, +5 Stamina Recharge, +5% Critical Chance, +5% Critical Damage
  • Endurance: Increases your Endurance attribute by 1.
  • Runner: sprinting speed increased by 10% and stamina consumption decreased by 10%.
  • Double Jump: allows jumping a second time while airborne.
  • Endurance: Increases your Endurance attribute by 1.
  • Wanderlust: Stamina consumption for sprinting on dirt roads is reduced from 90% to 80%. Stamina consumption for sprinting on stone roads is reduced from 75% to 50%.
  • Swiftshot Sustenance: 30% chance to spawn a stamina orb when defeating an enemy with a bow.
  • Dexterity: Increases your Dexterity attribute by 1.
  • Airborne: Gliders consume 30% less stamina.
  • Endurance: Increases your Endurance attribute by 1.
  • Sniper: When attacking with a ranged weapon your critical hit chance is increased by 10%.
  • Vitality Surge: Dealing a critical strike with a ranged weapon restores 5 stamina.
  • Blessed Arrow: When scoring a critical hit with a bow, you will regenerate 20 mana.
  • Dexterity: Increases your Dexterity attribute by 1.
  • Bounty Bonanza: After defeating a Fell enemy with a headshot your group gains an additional 5 Experience Points.
  • Ricochets: For every target you hit with an Exploding Arrow, its damage is increased by 1%.
  • Graceful Stride: You will gain one dexterity for every two levels of the Flame.

If you want to gather more basic resources, check out our twig farming guide on how to get more twigs in Enshrouded.

Final Thoughts

Rangers can be really strong since they can deal with enemies from range, but in a game such as this when enemies tend to rush the player, it will be a balance between knowing when to go in, and when to get to a better position.

If you want to check out more content about the game, check out our guide on the hunter vault buttons in Enshrouded.

With the best ranger build laid for you for Enshrouded, you will be able to test it out and see if it’s for you. Let us know in the comments down below how you feel about the overall grind in the game.


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